  • 學位論文

以9,10-diphenyl anthracene為核心之藍光樹枝狀化合物

指導教授 : 林建村


我們以9,10-diphenyl anthracene為核心發光團,分別與不同功能的外圍片段進行Williamson ether synthesis與Miyaura-Suzuki偶合反應而得到非共軛系統以及共軛系統的藍光樹枝狀分子。我們在發藍光之蔥片段引入可傳輸電子、傳輸電洞之單元,以及立體障礙較大的樹枝狀外圍分子來增加載子傳輸及避免?晶之發生。這些樹枝狀化合物有能量轉移現象及保護效應,因此除了放光仍維持在藍光範圍,亦有不錯的螢光量子產率。此外,樹枝狀分子以旋轉塗佈法製成OLED元件,皆發出核心發光團的特有藍色螢光。樹枝狀分子t-AN-P-4F製成元件 ( I ),其結構為ITO/ PEDOT:PSS/ PVK + Cpd./ TPBI/ LiF/ Al,展現不錯的元件效率:起始電壓VON 4.5 V,最大外部量子產率ηext,max = 2.89 %,最大功率效率ηp?,max = 2.09 lm/W,最大放光效率ηc,?max = 3.55 cd/A,最大亮度Lmax可達7777 cd/m2,且CIE座標 (0.15, 0.14) 相當接近純藍的範圍。


In this study, we have synthesized a series of blue non-conjugated or conjugated light-emitting dendrimers using 9,10-diphenyl anthracene as the emitting core encapsulation with dendrons of different functionalities via Williamson ether synthesis or Miyaura-Suzuki coupling reaction. Sterically congested electron- or hole-transporting dendritic peripheries were attached to the anthracene to increase the carrier mobility and inhibit crystallization of the molecule as well. Because of the presence of energy transfer and encapsulation, these dendrimers not only retain characteristic blue color of the core, but also have high fluorescent quantum yields. Moreover, the spin-cast device with the configuration ITO/ PEDOT:PSS/ PVK + t-AN-P-4F/ TPBI/ LiF/ Al has good efficiency (e.g., ηext,max = 2.89 %; ηp?,max = 2.09 lm/W; ηc,?max = 3.55 cd/A; L = 7777 cd/m2). The CIE color coordinates (0.15, 0.14) indicate that the emission chroma is quite close to the pure blue.




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