  • 學位論文


A research of constructivist rhythmic teaching in early childhood education

指導教授 : 簡淑真


本研究以質性研究方法,探討研究者幼兒節奏教學中所運用的教學策略、幼兒的學習情形與成效、研究者在教學過程中所遇到的困難解決方法,以及研究者針對教學歷程的教學檢核與省思。 本研究以天空幼兒園彩虹小班16位幼兒,10位女生及6位男生為研究對象,共進行20次的節奏教學。透過錄影、拍照、教師訪談、蒐集幼兒作品及撰寫研究札記等方式蒐集資料,再進行質性資料分析。此外輔以量化的資料蒐集與進行分析。本研究發現如下: 一、研究者在建構取向幼兒節奏教學所運用的教學策略包括:以幼兒生活經驗出發的多元教學方式進行教學;透過進行小組合作討論與團體分享活動提供幼兒分享自己作品的機會,表達自己的想法;以及運用語言引導給予幼兒鼓勵性的回饋、引導、提問及說明的方式,引發幼兒的學習動機。 二、透過建構取向的幼兒節奏教學,幼兒對於節奏的認識及能力有明顯的提升。在教學過程中,也發現幼兒展現主動、投入且樂於學習節奏的態度。 三、研究者在教學過程中遇到的困難包括:幼兒分組時與同儕之間的互動不易掌握、活動的難易度不易拿捏及幼兒過於興奮地敲打樂器。研究者經過省思後,解決方法分別為發揮同儕鷹架的效果、循序漸進的方式進行教學活動及滿足幼兒對樂器的好奇。 四、研究者針對整體研究歷程的省思後,發現自身原持的教學信念與教學經驗影響著研究者的教學方式,透過教學信念的改變與教學方法的調整,研擬改善的方法。 最後,根據研究結果針對研究者的改善方向、幼兒園教師對建構取向教學的應用及未來研究議題提出建議。


This study adopted qualitative research method and it aims to explore the constructivist approach of rhythmic teaching in the early childhood education. The study examined the researcher’s strategies of teaching, the children’s learning situations as well as achievements, and the challenges faced by the researcher were investigated. Furthermore, the researcher did the self-reflection and drew up some ways for improvement. The participants of this study included 16 children, (10 girls and 6 boys). The research was conducted for 20 courses in total of 4 weeks. Qualitative research was mainly used in this study. The data collected through the videotaping, recording, teacher interviews, children’s works, and reflection of researcher. The statistical analysis was carried out with a paired sample t-test. The major findings of the research were as follows: 1. The teacher provided an appropriate learning environment for the children, and teaching content and activities were based on children’s life experience. Through the grouping, discussion, and sharing activities, children received opportunities to share their own work and express their ideas. In addition, the use of language guidance helped stimulate the children’s learning motivation. 2. The rhythmic abilities of children have been significantly improved and motivated, enthusiastic learning attitude was showed in participants. 3. In the process of constructing the rhythmic teaching, the researcher encountered some challenges. For example, the group discussions are difficult to conduct, the difficulties of the activities cannot be controlled, and children played musical instruments too excitedly. The solutions to these challenges were provided after the reflection of the researcher. 4. Through reflection, researcher now better understands how beliefs and teaching experiences influence teaching methods. Through the change of teaching beliefs and the adjustment of teaching methods, the researcher develops of improvement. Finally, the recommendations are provided to the researcher, kindergarten teachers and those who will engage in future related research.


constructivist rhythmic teaching


壹、 中文部份
Charles R. Hoffer(2013)。音樂教育概論 (Introduction to Music Education)(李茂興譯)。台北:揚智文化。(原著出版年:1983)。
