  • 學位論文


The Study of Punishable Ground for Accomplices-Focus on The Reform of Criminal Law’s General Provisions in 2005

指導教授 : 吳景芳


我國於2005年針對刑法諸多重要原理、原則進行修正,同時對於共犯相關部分也有所觸及。不過,對於共犯理論的修正,縱使是在修法後國內學界仍意見不一,因此本文企圖從「共犯為何可以加以處罰」,也就是共犯處罰根據意涵的根本性想法進行出發,尋找在共犯理論中可以作為統一觀察共犯理論的視點。但,由於此一想法基本上是屬於立法論層次,具有因人而異的可能性,為限縮漫無邊際的想法,本文則是試圖根據修法後條文所提供出來的線索,運用解釋學的方法反向去找尋本次修法後可能所採取的共犯處罰根據。   職是,本文首先處理共犯的定義問題,以界分本文所欲討論的共犯範圍。進而,再討論處罰根據所具有的立法論以及解釋論上的雙重意涵。基於上述兩部分的探討,對於本文題目的內涵具有認識之後,針對歷來學說對於共犯處罰根據的說理進行簡要介紹。然而在此一議題上,目前德國通說以及日本多數說所採取的惹起說見解中,又因對於所謂的「違法相對性」、「違法連帶性」的看法有所不同,因此區分成「純粹惹起說」、「修正惹起說」、「折衷惹起說」三種說法。而此三說之關鍵點即在於對於違法的認知,以及共犯間是否具有從屬想法,故本文先在共犯處罰根據的介紹中,針對違法認知介紹相關的價值差異衝突點,其次另設一專章探討共犯從屬性之問題,至此方能就共犯處罰根據做出學說的抉擇。之後,為檢視自己所採取之學說是否能夠實現於共犯論諸問題中,也分別就各問題進行檢驗自說的介紹。   本文的結論將共犯處罰根據定位在可罰性的討論層次,並企圖以因果關係中的等價條件理論作為可罰性的最大範圍,因此採取惹起說立場,並貫串於正犯、共犯區分標準上,思考採行擴張正犯理論的可能性。且筆者採取行為無價值二元論的違法理論,並且對於共犯從屬性原則採取較一般通說更小範圍的想法,雖然筆者就結果以觀,是將自己歸類於折衷惹起說之中,不過就說理過程而言,毋寧是比較傾向於純粹惹起說的說法。不過,由於筆者將可罰性界定在最小限度之上,以求取一個統一的標準,一致性地解決共犯相關問題,不過相對地所區劃出來的範圍也過於廣大,因此雖就各種共犯論之問題足資解決;但,務必在應罰性上更加以限縮,甚至於採取類型化的限縮方式,否則共犯處罰範圍將失諸過廣。然,筆者目前能力尚有未逮,就應罰性的限縮方式上,未能提出具體建議,此乃本論文未盡之極限,讀者務須注意此一部份缺失。   由於囿限於筆者自身外文能力以及時間,絕大多數是以日文文獻作為基礎,一部分則是以德文文獻為輔助,未能多方引用德文文獻,實乃遺珠之憾;不過,為求引述資料正確性,以及日後研究相關議題之專家學者能為更進一步之研究分析,筆者對於使用日文文獻引述德文文獻之部分,也將相關德文原始資料出處附記,筆者雖未能直接接觸該等資料,但寄盼日後能有相關學者繼續針對此一部份努力,也符合本文最希望促成共犯處罰根據議題能被熱烈討論的目的。


This Article is composed of 6 chapters. Chapter 1 “Introduction” includes two parts; one is the motif and the purpose of this Study, and the other is how to prioritize every topics for discussion. Chapter 2 “The Definition of Accomplices’ Limit” is an initial body of this Article, and mainly attempts to deal with the diversified nomenclature about accomplices, the nature of accomplices’ appearance, and the various forms of legislate against accomplices. The Reform of Criminal Law’s General Provision adopts “Dualistic Criminal Participation System”, but there are two different ideas on the kind of this system. Therefore, this difference between these ideas is the most essential issue in this Chapter. Chapter 3 “The Basic Theory of The Punishable Ground for Accomplices” is the cardinal body, and at the very start of Chapter 3 it tries to make the meaning of the punishable ground clear; moreover, it also has a fling at seeking to orientate from the hermeneutic and legislative policy’s point of view. Hereto, the theme of this Article is just lucid. Subsequently, there are many theories of The Punishable Ground for Accomplices, which were proposed by eminent jurists. But the most important problems lie in the choice of Values about the contrariety of law and the attitude toward Accomplices’ Accessorial Principle. The former is decided upon in Chapter 3, and this Article advises Causative Theory maybe is the best; nevertheless, the latter have to further set another chapter to settle, because it’s too impertinency to put into Chapter 3. Accordingly, Chapter 4 “Amendment and Admissibility of Accomplices’ Accessorial Principle from Causative Theory ” essays to find an appropriate ambit of Accomplices’ Accessorial Principle form four disparate frames of reference. Until this chapter had the result, this Article didn’t have the final conclusion concerning The Punishable Ground for Accomplices. In Chapter 5 “The Conference with Separate Question of Accomplices”, catena of accomplices and the necessary accomplices for example, it attempt to quickly verify that every separate questions are suitable for use the final conclusion. At least, Chapter 6 “Conclusion” briefly summarizes all of the aforesaid viewpoints of this study.


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