  • 學位論文


Manufacturers consider cost parameters for distribution decision analysis

指導教授 : 李緒東


製造商在面對生產與配送的策略選擇時,需考慮眾多成本要素,如:生產成本、整備成本、持有成本、物流成本、…等。目前台灣的物流成本约佔總GDP額的12%,故物流成本為製造商降低營運成本重要的因素之一。而台灣目前中小企業比重超過百分之九十,因企業規模與客戶需求之故,常委託物流業者以合併出貨方式以達到降低物流成本的目的。 某些客戶要求製造商於交貨期限內完成交貨,若延遲交貨時會對製造商課以違約罰金,因此產生了時間窗口問題;而一般經濟批量(Economic Lot Scheduling Problem;ELSP)研究是針對生產的持有成本與整備成本做考量,而結合生產、物流及延遲交貨的研究較為稀少。本研究以製造商考量自生產、倉儲與配送等情況下選擇最適當的生產配送策略,達到降低總成本的目的。


時間窗口 合併配送


Manufacturers have to decide the production and distribution strategy under operating costs, such as: producing cost, set-up cost, holding cost, and shipping cost, so manufacturers have to integrate production scheduling and operating costs properly. The schedule planning of production called Economic Lot size Scheduling Problem (ELSP). Manufacturers must consider the cost and storage capacity to reduce the liquid assets. The rate of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is over 90% in Taiwan; however, due to the constraints of their resources, cost is the most important objective concerned. To reduce costs, firms usually consolidate small orders to a large dispatch quantity. Some customers are imperative, so it would bring time-windows into the problem. This research includes form production to distribution; manufacturers have to make the optimal distribution decision to reduce the cost under different cost parameters.


Time Windows Freight Consolidation


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