  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 曾明遜
共同指導教授 : 陳明燦 李春長


代銷業為國內首創的特殊產業,為房屋交易之主要媒介者,對於不動產交易具有重大的影響。然而在交易糾紛層出不窮的現實狀況下,交易糾紛主體多為建商與購屋者,卻忽略了代銷業所應肩付之責任。為了瞭解代銷業於不動產市場之定位,本文以衡量服務品質為中心,從治理機制觀點延伸發展,納入內在制度、外在制度及市場機制之運作,同時考慮交易過程中不可或缺的交易成本概念,闡釋代銷業之服務供給過程。本文主要特色為結合服務品質、交易成本模式及制度之觀念,建構一整合性評估代銷業服務品質之模式;再者,透過代銷業服務之需求面,分別從購屋者及建商的角度,分析代銷業之服務品質。 從購屋者的角度衡量代銷業服務品質,結合交易成本及銷售倫理概念,將銷售倫理視為內在制度的一環。實證結果指出代銷業之銷售倫理愈佳,則購屋者滿意度愈高,而銷售倫理有助於降低顧客抱怨及減少交易成本。就市場機制而言,代銷業服務品質會影響購屋者滿意度,而滿意度愈高,會提高購屋者的行為意圖,意即可透過市場機制來制裁服務品質不佳的代銷業者。最後,交易成本模式方面,代理問題愈高,會提高購屋者的交易成本。 從建商的角度分析代銷業服務品質,將治理機制拓展為納入內在制度、外在制度及市場機制,同時並考慮交易成本的影響。首先,市場機制方面,代銷業服務品質的優劣會影響建商的滿意度,且進一步影響建商是否願意再委託之行為意圖;其次,交易成本方面,建商認為與代銷業的交易過程,若代理問題愈高,則會提高交易成本,而交易成本亦會影響至市場機制,即影響建商再委託之行為意圖;第三,外在制度之法律規範,對於降低代理問題及交易成本具有顯著負向影響,而正式控制機制對於代理問題對交易成本具有調節效果。最後,內在制度之關係維護對於代理問題對交易成本之影響具有調節效果,而問題解決亦對交易成本對滿意度之影響具有調節效果。 整體而言,本文從代銷業服務需求者的購屋者及建商角度介入,可得知交易成本對於代銷業服務品質之影響不可忽視,而治理機制中的市場機制、內在制度、外在制度之觀點,可突顯其對於代銷業服務品質之影響,亦能提升對於代銷業之市場定位,建構更佳健全的不動產交易制度。


Originated in Taiwan as a unique industry, Taiwan’s housing sales agency is a major intermediary of housing transaction, which has a significant effect on the real estate transaction. In the situation of increasingly emerging housing transaction disputes, the focus of the transaction disputes is placed on construction companies and home-buyers, while neglecting the responsibility of the housing sales agents. To understand the positioning of the housing sales agency in the real estate market, with the measurement of the service quality of the housing sales agency as the core, this study adopts the perspective of governance mechanisms, and incorporates the operations of the internal institutions, external institutions and market mechanisms, as well as the concept of the inalienable transaction cost during the transaction process, in order to explain the service providing process of the housing sales agency. The main contribution of this study is the integration of the concepts of service quality, transaction cost model, and institution to build an integrated model to assess the service quality of the housing sales agency. Moreover, this study analyzes the service quality of the housing sales agency from the perspectives of construction companies and home-buyers respectively. Measuring the service quality of the housing sales agency from the home buyer’s viewpoint, this study integrates the concepts of the transaction cost and sales ethics by regarding sales ethics as one of the internal institutions. The empirical results suggest that higher sales ethics of the housing sales agency can lead to higher home-buyer satisfaction as sales ethics can help reducing customer complaint and transaction costs. Regarding market governance mechanisms, the service quality of the housing sales agency will affect home-buyer satisfaction. Higher satisfaction can enhance home-buyer’s behavioral intentions. In other words, the players in the housing sales agency of poor service quality can be punished by market governance mechanisms. Finally, regarding the model of transaction cost, more reasons for agency problems and transaction costs will increase home-buyer’s transaction cost. From the perspective of construction companies in the analysis of the service quality of the housing sales agency, this study extends the concept of governance mechanisms by incorporating internal institutions, external institution and market governance, as well as consideration of the effects of transaction cost. First, regarding market governance mechanisms, the service quality of the housing sales agency can affect the construction company’s satisfaction and thereby affecting the behavioral intentions to continue cooperation. Secondly, regarding transaction cost, construction companies believe that more reasons for the agency problems and transaction cost will lead to higher transaction cost during the transaction process with the housing sales agency, and the transaction cost will affect the market governance mechanisms, namely, the behavioral intentions to continue cooperation of construction companies. Thirdly, the law regulations of the external institutions have a significant negative impact on reducing the reasons for agency problems and transaction cost. The formal control mechanism has a moderation effect on the impact of reasons for agency problems and transaction cost on transaction cost. Finally, the maintenance of relationships in between internal institutions has a moderation effect on the impact of reasons for agency problems and transaction cost on transaction cost. The solution to the problem has a moderation effect on the impact of transaction cost on satisfaction. Overall, from perspectives of the home buyers and construction companies that demand for the service of the housing sales agency, this study finds that the impact of transaction cost on the service quality of the housing sales agency cannot be neglected. The viewpoints of the market governance, internal and external institutions of the governance mechanisms can highlight the impact on the service quality of the housing sales agency, and also enhance the positioning of the housing sales agency in the market to build healthier and better real estate transaction institutions.




