  • 學位論文


A Study on Patent Infringement and Damage

指導教授 : 李素華


在現今的專利侵權事件,往往牽涉到原告需舉證被告客觀上有為落入系爭專利範圍之行為、主觀上有故意或過失、原告受有何等損害或被告或有何等利益,以及其因果關係等;相對的,被告可能會質疑該專利的有效性(產業利用性、新穎性、進步性)而向智慧財產局舉發,抑或在訴訟上表明其未有侵權行為之存在或無故意、過失等,就此等專利訴訟的抗辯,已能成為一門深奧的學科,當然,在法院上的判決,從以前民事、行政判決二元路線,到現今由智慧財產法院進行第一審,判決的結果若欲作一整理,會發現當中的訴訟攻防,會因很多因素而產生截然不同的結果,尤以主觀上之故意、過失常為舉證責任的攻防重點,當然,有些判決因原告無法舉證被告之主觀歸責事由而被駁回,有時又因法院採「過失客觀化」的概念,而判定原告勝訴,然其是否合理,或者謂:究應如何判斷。於此,本文以探討專利侵權的本質與要件,藉由該理論核心的分析,先將找到主觀故意、過失的意義,進而解釋過失客觀化的意涵,加上幾項具體的標的如專利登記、專利證書號數等,本文希冀能藉此統合分析,找到一判斷的基準,讓我們能學會如何省視法院對於主觀故意、過失的判斷是否妥適,方能有效保護受害的原告以及無辜的被告。 在損害賠償此一章節中,先介紹舊法損害賠償數額計算的方式及其批判,接著介紹民國100年修正後的損害賠償計算方式,逐一檢討其優、缺點。其中最重要的,乃是「合理權利金」制度,本文對此一新法明文列出的制度,將討論其沿革、意義,以及藉由美國法及德國法等比較法的方式,來探討我國合理權利金制度的可能運作方式;另外,由於民國100年修正之新法將懲罰性損害賠償予以刪除,然在民國102年修法時又重新將此制度增訂入專利法中,因此,本文將從懲罰性賠償金的歷史沿革、其特性,以及於我國法存在之必要性與否進行論述研討。 本文結構上共分為五個章節。第一章為前言,說明研究動機與目的、範圍及方法;第二章就專利侵權行為之構成要件進行分析;第三章則進入損害賠償之探討,以既有的計算方式與新增之方法分別討論之;第四章以其他請求權基礎為中心,對於專利侵權案件的適用情形;第五章為結語,就前述的問題及討論,提出建議與看法。


To deal with the patent infringement case, the plaintiff must prove the things that involves the defendant objectively, promising fall into the scope of the disputed patent act and Subjectively, intentional or negligent, the plaintiff or the defendant by what other damage or what kinds of benefits, as well as its causality;In contrast, the defendant may question the validity of the patent as well as the Intellectual Property Office expositions, or in the lawsuit that they did not the existence or non-intentional tort, negligence, etc., thus other patent litigation defense, has been able to become an esoteric subject. So this article hope to take this meta-analysis, to find a benchmark to judge, so that we can learn how to call upon the courts subjective intent, negligence determine whether Botox in order to effectively protect the innocent victims of the plaintiff and the defendant. In this section of damages, first introduced the old law the way the amount of damages calculation and Criticism, and then introduced the revised calculation of damages, one by one to review its advantages and disadvantages. One of the most important is the "reasonable royalty" and "punitive damage". This structure is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, explains the motive and purpose, scope and methodology; second chapter of the constituent elements of patent infringement analysis; Chapter enters investigate damages to the existing and the new method of calculation were discussed; fourth chapter basis of other claims as the center, apply for patent infringement case scenario; fifth chapter is the conclusion, on the aforementioned issues and discussions, suggestions and views.


14. 謝銘洋,侵害專利權是否構成民法第一八四條第二項之違反他人之法律?─最高法院九十八年度台上字第八六五號民事判決,月旦裁判時報,創刊號,2012年2月,頁135-143。
9. 黃銘傑,登記對抗輓歌─評最高法法九十六年度台上字第一六五八號判決,月旦法學雜誌,第154期,2008年3月,頁233-251。
14. 張宇樞,美國專利訴訟實務,經濟部智慧財產局,2008年3月二版。
17. 蔡明誠,專利侵權要件及損害賠償計算,經濟部智慧財產局,2008年3 月。
1. 經濟部智慧財產局之「世界主要國家專利法規─德國新型專利法」



