  • 學位論文


The Study of Belief about Qu-Yuan Temple in Bei-Tou

指導教授 : 俞美霞


全台唯一一座主祀屈原的屈原宮就座落於北投洲美社區,是在什麼樣的因緣際會下,會在此出現這樣特別的廟宇,而其在宗教信仰與節慶活動上,又有什麼異於其他廟宇的地方,同時,在洲美社區即將改建為士林北投科技園區之際,這樣的地方小廟又要如何延續與發揚,都是值得研究的議題。 首先以文獻分析、田野調查與親身參與活動的方式,來了解洲美社區的歷史與現況,包含了當地人文發展的狀況與地理環境的變遷,其次探討屈原宮的由來與發展,以及洲美社區流傳已久的龍舟競渡習俗活動,同時觀察屈原宮的信仰,對地方教育與觀光產業產生了麼樣的影響。 於端午節所舉辦的洲美文化祭融合了廟宇信仰、歲時飲食、民俗體育與民間遊藝等面向,是一個熱鬧有趣又深具意義的活動,藉由活動的舉辦,不但凝聚了洲美社區居民對洲美社區與屈原宮的向心力,同時也帶動地方經濟與觀光活動,甚至透過外國官員、友人與學生的參與,將台灣這些傳統民俗活動,推向國際。 淡水河下游區域也有些類似屈原宮的水神信仰廟宇,同時於端午節日舉辦龍舟競渡活動,然而因地理環境與活動舉辦的方式不同,所呈現出來的樣貌與屈原宮的洲美文化祭迥然不同。 屈原宮在不同的時空背景之下,有著移民鄉土神、行業神、地方守護神,與家族神的性質,但在洲美社區即將改建為士林北投科技園區之際,屈原宮的信仰、洲美文化祭與龍舟競渡活動必將有一番變化。 本研究記錄了在改建為士林北投科技園區前,洲美社區與屈原宮的一些狀況與活動,同時也點出在淡水河下游流域,漳州族群的家族神信仰有別於泉州族群的宗族神信仰,最後,也對屈原宮如何延續或轉型家族神信仰,提供了些建議。


Qu-Yuan Temple is located in Chau-Mei community of Bei-Tou district in Taipei, Taiwan and it is the only one temple in Taiwan to be scared to the person, Qu-Yuan. Why does so specific Temple exist here? What are differences between Qu-Yuan temple and other temples regarding religion and festivals? While Chau-Mei community is going to be rebuilt as Shilin-Beitou Technology Park later, how the existence of the Qu-Yuan Temple is continued and developed? The subjects are deserved to study and discussion. First of all, the ways to realize the history and the current situation such as local humanity and transition of geographic setting of Chau-Mei community are included document analysis, filed investigation and to attend activities hold in Chau-Mei community personally. Then, those are probed with respect to the history and development of Qu-Yuan Temple as well as the Dragon Boat Race Customs widely circulated in Chau-Mei community. Finally, it is studied and observed how the belief from Qu-Yuan Temple influences the education and tourism locally in Chau-Mei community. A lot of interesting and meaningful activities including the belief of temple, the season diet, folk custom sports as well as folk entertainment are hold in Chau-Mei Culture Festival in the Dragon Boat Festival. The Chau-Mei residents have the strong sense of belonging to Chau-Mei community and Qu-Yuan Temple through those activities. Meanwhile, local economics and tourism are also droved. Especially, these Taiwan’s traditional folk activities are promoted into international by the participation from foreign officials, friends, and students. Certain temples with the belief of River God, which are similar to the belief of Qu-Yuan Temple, are located in downstream area of Danshui River. Those temples also hold dragon boat races in the Dragon Boat Festival. Due to the differences in geographic setting and in the way to hold those activities, the outcomes resulting from the other temples’ culture festival are not the same as that from Chau-Mei Cultural Festival. Qu-Yuan Temple integrates the natures of hometown god, business god, guardian angel and household god under the different spatio-temporal background. However, while Chau-Mei community is on the point of being rebuilt as Shilin-Beitou Technology Park, it is definitely going to be changed regarding the belief about Qu-Yuan Temple, Chau-Mei Culture Festivals, and Dragon Boat Race Customs. The study records the situations and activities of Chau-Mei community as well as Qu-Yuan Temple before Chau-Mei community is rebuilt as Shilin-Beitou Technology Park. At the same time, the study also point out that the belief regarding household god of Zhangzhou group is different from that of Quanzhou group under the downstream area of Danshui River. Finally, the study also provides some suggestions regarding how the existence of the Qu-Yuan Temple is continued and how the belief of household god is changed.



