  • 學位論文


watershed ecosystem wetland management a draft strategy.--- A Case Study for the Guandu Nature Park

指導教授 : 龎元勳


本研究以流域生態系統管理(Watershed ecosystem management,簡寫為WESM)為濕地經營管理策略研擬之立論分析基礎。 流域生態系統管理是流域管理與環境管理的延伸,作為一個完整的生態系統,同樣具有其整體性、層級結構、動態性、自我維持和自我調控等與其他生態系統類似的共同特徵,也擁有其特殊性,如流域的尺度特徵、有限承載下的服務功能以及健康和持續發展特性。 濕地是流域生態體系的一小尺度單元,管理及維護良善與否,牽涉到整體流域生態的良好與否,也影響到人類的永續發展。因此,由小尺度的濕地經營管理,到中尺度的子流域系統性規劃,再到大尺度的以整體流域為單元,應作為濕地管理策略規劃的基本考量。 淡水河流域所存在的環境課題,對位處流域下游的關渡自然公園的生態環境造成影響,不能以各自單一課題來看待,如此則投入的資源雖多,但成效有限。 流域生態系統濕地經營管理議題,須在生態、經濟與社會之間做權衡與取捨,其前提則是資源使用效益必須建立於自然生態的永續發展。因此,生態永續目標下,關渡自然公園的濕地管理應擴及到鄰近周邊區域,爭取將關渡保留區納入濕地管理範圍內,進行整合性管理維護,確保最終的生態永續目標與願景的達成,才是關渡自然公園濕地管理的最佳對策。


This research on watershed ecosystem management (WESM) presents a draft strategy for the analytical foundation of wetland management and administration. WESM is an extension of watershed and environmental management which encompasses the entire ecosystem, similarly providing a comprehensive multi-level structure, development, self-maintenance, self-adjustment, control, and other common characteristics of ecosystems, but also including unique watershed-scale ones. And there are limits on the defining factors of service functions, health, and continued development. Wetlands are a small-scale unit of watersheds. How well they are managed and protected, and if they involve the complete watershed ecology will influence sustainable development by humans. For this reason, strategic planning in wetland management should be a basic consideration, from the management and administration of small-scale wetlands, and the systematic planning of medium-scale sub-basins, to the large-scale complete watershed. Environmental situations in the Danshui River watershed will influence the ecological environment of Guandu Nature Park (GNP), which is situated in its lower reaches. Each matter cannot be dealt with individually; even though many resources may be used, their effectiveness will be limited. Discussions of WESM must consider ecology, economics, and society; the benefits of resource use must first be put forth to establish sustainable development of the natural ecology. For this reason, management of the wetlands at Guandu Nature Park (GNP) should be enlarged and extended to surrounding areas, to bring those lands into the management scope of protection of the Guandu wetlands, advance uniformity in management safeguards, and successfully secure the ultimate goal of ecological sustainability. This is the optimal strategy for wetland management at GNP.


