  • 學位論文


The Autonomy Development of Parentified Adolescents in Family with Poverty.

指導教授 : 孫世維


本研究主要是探討貧窮家庭中承接親職角色責任之少年的自主發展。研究目的為:(1)瞭解少年承接親職角色責任的脈絡。(2)瞭解影響親職化少年自主發展的阻礙因素,以及親職化少年意識自主需求的過程。(3)瞭解親職化少年在自主需求與家庭需求間擺盪的內在心理歷程,以及瞭解在此歷程中個體內在的感受、面臨的掙扎與困難。(4)瞭解在自主發展歷程中,親職化少年因應其所面臨之困難與挑戰的方法。(5)瞭解社會/社區、學校、機構、家庭等系統對親職化少年自主發展的影響。 本研究的貧窮少年指的是,接受政府或民間機構經濟扶助三年以上的15-24歲少年,通過石芳萌(2007)修訂之親職化量表篩選出八位高親職化的少年,他們在親職化量表的分數高於一般高中職少年。 研究者透過深入訪談方式蒐集資料,並在資料分析與歸納整理後發現: 1、在家庭與個人內、外在因素交互作用下,大部分受訪少年在國小中高年級階段即主動或被迫於承接親職角色任務,而承接親職角色任務後的角色轉變,對親職化少年產生了多面向影響-家庭蔓延到學校。 2、親職化少年的自主意識隨著年齡與同儕接觸增加而增加,但家庭需求持續存在、父母態度等原因,使得父母並未適時與適切的調整賦予少年的親職角色任務,進而影響了他們對自己生活做選擇與安排的機會,例如無法上學、參與同儕休閒活動、離家就學/實習等。 3、大部分的親職化少年是不被家人賦予追求自主需求滿足的權力,當其面對家庭與個人需求相衝突時,親職化少年比一般少年更需要考量家庭狀況,也更傾向壓抑或延緩自主需求。 4、親職化少年依據不同的情境,隨著個人認知、價值而採取不同的因應策略展現自主。但不管親職化少年採取何種因應策略,他們皆在「考量家庭福祉」下追求自主需求之滿足。此意味著親職化少年在追求自主過程並非要拋棄肩上所承擔的角色責任,而是企圖在家庭責任與個人自主需求滿足之間找尋一個屬於自己的平衡點。 基於上述的研究發現,因此在文章結尾部份針對實務面給予建議,希冀能讓社會更重視親職化少年的處境,以及提供更符合親職化少年需求的福利服務。


貧窮 親職化少年 自主


This study examines the autonomy developmentof adolescents who have been taking parental role and responsibility in family with poverty. This study aims to understand: (1) parentification context that adolescents undertake parental role and responsibility; (2) the factors that interfere with parentified adolescents' development of autonomy, and the process of becoming aware of their autonomy needs; (3) parenified adolescents' inner feelings, difficulties, and struggles, when they confront with conflict between seeking autonomy and taking care of family; (4) in the process of autonomy development, the coping strategies parentified adolescents use to deal with the challenges and difficulties; (5) how society/community, school, institution and family systems influence parentified adolescents in the process of autonomy development. In this study, poor adolescent meant the adolescent, aged between15 and 24, had accepted government or NPO's financial assistance above 3 years. Using Shih Fang-Meng (2007) 's re-edited “Parentification Scale”, eight high parentified adolescents who got higher scores than their average peers were chosen for this study. Data collected through in-depth interview method were then analyzed, reorganized, and deneralized to generate the following findings: 1.In the context of the interaction of family and personal factors, most of the interviewed adolescents actively or passively undertook parental role since elementary school years. The taking of the parental role have brought multiple influences on these parentified adolescents. 2.As children grew up and had more opportunities to contact with peers, parentified adolescents' awareness of autonomy needs increased. However, parents were not able to modulate children's parental role timely, due to family needs still existed and also parents' own attitude. This situation finally led to the result that parentified adolescents could not make decisions by themselves. For example, they could not go to school sometimes, attended activities with peers, or left home for internship. 3.Most of parentified adolescents were not granted the power for seeking autonomy. Not like average adolescents, when facing conflict between fulfilling personal autonomous need and taking care of family, parentified adolescents had to consider more about the need of the family. Therefore, they tended to oppress or postpone their need for autonomy. 4.Following their own perceptions and values, and also the circumstances, the parentified adolescents developed different coping strategies to gain autonomy. No matter what type of coping strategies they adopted, they would always take family well-being into first consideration while achieving their own satisfaction of autonomy. This meant parentified adolescents would not abandon their parental role and responsibility during the process of pursuing autonomy , but rather finding their own way of balance between the two. Based on the findings above, implications for practice and future research' were discussed. It was suggested that society should pay more attention to parentified adolescents' situation, and offer better services that could meet parentified adolescents' needs.


poverty parentified adolescents autonomy


王永慈(2005)。台灣的貧窮問題:相關研究的檢視。台大社工學刊。第十期 頁1-54。


