  • 學位論文


Study of 3D Cadastre Applied to Condominium Building Registration

指導教授 : 江渾欽 劉維真


隨著都市發展,人口密度增加,土地使用集約度愈趨密集,人類對於土地使用方式已由平面化朝向立體化發展,傳統土地所有權範圍上至宇宙下至地心的觀念逐漸被取代,地下及地上的空間可以分層開發並歸於不同的權屬,區分所有建物已然成為現代城市建築的主流,雖能大幅提昇土地使用效率,但亦使產權界線模糊、權利關係複雜化,增加地籍管理的困難,衍生交易糾紛。   近年來國際地籍測量師協會(International Federation of Surveyors, FIG)大力推動三維地籍(3D Cadastre),三維地籍是對土地及其三維產權範圍給予權利及限制的地籍登記,三維產權範圍是指權利人於空間之權利界線,三維產權情況是指不同的產權範圍內可能具有不同土地使用類型,相互關聯。目前我國技術上已可將建物測量成果圖作為基礎,配合竣工平面圖的樓層高度拉伸,建立以產權為範圍之三維地籍建物模型,呈現出立體化的視覺效果。   實務上,我國建物登記係依據建物測量成果圖所載之權屬、範圍、面積等資料進行建物標示部及所有權部之登記,然而傳統二維地籍登記已無法滿足區分所有建物複雜的空間性格,其相關的權利範圍及限制關係亦難清楚劃分,惟建物權屬之界定及登記影響人民財產權甚鉅,如何將現實世界的權利關係清楚呈現於登記制度藉以達成公示效果,實屬重要議題。   本研究係將三維地籍建物模型應用於區分所有建物登記之實務,藉由立體化的呈現提昇區分所有權人對於區分所有建物權屬範圍之認知,並檢討區分所有建物登記制度仍需修正及改善之處,加以提倡三維地籍之發展與應用,促進不動產資訊透明化及公開化。


With urban development, population density increasing, land use becoming intensive, human has been already changed the concept of land use from plane to three-dimensional. The traditional land ownership range which on to the universe next to the geocentric has been gradually replaced. Space can be attributed to different hierarchical development and ownership, and condominium building has become the mainstream of modern society. Although condominium building could significantly improve the efficiency of land use, it also makes the property boundaries blurred, right relations complicated. Seriously, it probably creates the cadaster problems and trade disputes. In recent years, International Cadastral Surveyors Association vigorously promotes the 3D cadastre. 3D cadastre is cadastral registration of the land and its three-dimensional property given the rights and restrictions. The three-dimensional property range is the right space boundaries for right persons, and it refers to the different ranges may have different types of land use. At present, it technically can be built based on building floor map with highly stretching the completion of the floor plan. Established 3D cadastre buildings model as the scope of property shows a three-dimensional visual effect. In practice, traditional 2D cadastral registration has been unable to distinguish the complex spatial character of condominium buildings. However, the definition and registration of condominium buildings would affect people's property rights. Therefore, it’s an important issue for how to present the right relations clearly through the registration system in the real world. In this study, it would attempt that 3D cadastre buildings model applied to condominium building registration. 3D cadastre buildings model could enhance the cognitive of condominium ownership scope and review the condominium building registration. Finally, this study would advocate the development and application of 3D cadaster promoting land and real estate information transparency and openness.


