  • 學位論文


The Strategic Relationship between Cyber Economy and Physical Space

指導教授 : 周志龍


這幾十年來隨著時代進步與經濟發展促使台灣國民的生活水準逐漸提升,追求消費品質的消費意識也逐漸抬頭,使得消費行為逐漸成為國民日常生活的主要部份,為此,政府開始協助提升國內中小型商店零售業營運及競爭能力,並以商圈為主要的實體消費地點形式進行改善。 商圈是實體的消費空間,並且也是產業群聚(Cluster)的一種形式,產業群聚是一種聚集經濟,亦即產業間經濟活動的發展會因其投入產出之關聯,造成創造許多空間聚集的現象,並藉由不同的產業需求而獲得利益。多種產業的結合被視為創新的方法,因此,近來許多地方商圈開始追求產業的結合,結合的對象則是近幾年來的新興產業-電子商務產業。相較於過去進行交易的實體市場場所,買家與賣家今日所面對的是線上虛擬的市場空間。 實體空間受到網路經濟的影響所進行的空間修補(spatial fix),對於其產業結構、消費者行為,進而影響到都市整體空間的再結構,形塑而成在數位時代下虛實交織且流動的空間。在現在這個數位時代,網路購物與虛擬消費空間的盛行對實體空間有著非常大的影響,使得許多實體店面不得不將經營的觸角伸往虛擬空間,以順應數位時代的潮流。 本研究藉由將現有的消費空間以虛擬店家、實體店家等因素進行分類,再分別探討其區位概況、議題與治理策略等,並且分析消費空間之間動態的轉變與之中的關鍵要素,釐清網路經濟在其中所扮演的角色,以及各消費空間在數位時代下功能與角色的轉變。


Due to the improvement and the development of economy, people in Taiwan have better equality for life these decades. In the meanwhile, people started to care about the activity of consumption, since shopping has become daily activity of Taiwanese people. Therefore, the government started to make effort in order to upgrade the value of retail stores in Taiwan, and the whole shopping district is the main physical shopping space. Shopping district is physical shopping space, and a form of industry cluster as well. Industry cluster makes agglomeration economy, Inter-industry development of economic activities due to their association of output and input, resulting in the creation of space aggregation phenomenon, and by the needs of different industries benefit. The combination of different industries is a way to innovation, and retailing industry combine with e-commerce industry, which is the newest industry these years. Buyers and sellers used to trade in physical market place, but now they are faced with cyber market space. The spatial fix made by the physical space because of cyber economy changes the industry structure, consumer behavior, and the reconstruction of city space. Today we’re living in the digital time, online shopping and cyber shopping space vigorously influence the physical space. Many physical shops begin to open new store online, in order to catch up with trends. In my research, I will classify the existing shopping space into cyber and physical, and then discuss its issues, strategies, so I can generalize the key factor to the changes in shopping space. At last, I will conclude the roles played by different kind of shopping space today.


行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局桃園職業訓練中心(2012)。101年桃竹苗地區「住宿及餐飲業」 與「桃竹苗區特色產業」人力供需調查報告,未出版。
