  • 學位論文


A Study on the Policy-Making Process of Decoupling the Agricultural Insurance from National Pension Insurance: The Multiple Streams Perspective

指導教授 : 張四明


國民年金制度之規畫始於1993年,總算於2007年民進黨執政時期立法通過,納保對象涵蓋農民,除可視為農民退休制度之替代方案,更想藉由國民年金的開辦整合非繳費式的福利津貼以減輕財政黑洞,但卻引發基層農民與農會反彈。第二次政黨輪替,國民黨重拾政權,2008年7月18日立法院三讀通過修正案,將農保與國民年金脫勾。國民年金尚未開辦就政策轉彎,致農保無法落日,並種下老年農民福利津貼每逢選舉即加碼之禍端,也讓原本預估550萬的納保對象頓時少了80萬人,與社會保險「大數法則」、「風險分攤」精神不符,以經濟弱勢者為納保對象,財務危機顯而易見,加驟國保永續經營之困境。 為究農保與國民年金保險脫勾之關鍵因素,本研究採文獻分析法、內容分析法及深度訪談的研究方法,並以John W. Kingdon提出的多元流程模式為分析架構,試圖勾勒農保與國民年金保險脫勾政策制定過程原貌。本研究主要發現如下: 1.選舉是啟動農保與國保脫勾的政策窗關鍵因素 2.備選方案的發展呈現說理與政治角力相互拉鋸,藍綠立場並非壁壘分明 3.促成農保與國民年金保險脫勾的政策企業家不易清楚界定,總的來說國民黨籍較為積極倡導 4.農保與國民年金保險脫勾政策之窗是開啟在政治流程 5.問題流程、政治流程及政策流程並非完全獨立,毫無關連


National Pension Insurance was schemed in 1993, but was finally approved by the legislature as late as 2007, when Democratic Progressive Party was in power. The inclusion of farmers into the National Pension Insurance has several benefits. It can be seen as an alternative scheme to farmers’ retirement system. Besides, it can integrate non-contributory welfare subsidy and reduce the welfare subsidy expenditure which will result in financial black hole by launching the National Pension Insurance. However, it triggered the rebound from grassroots farmers and farmer associations. After the second rotation of the ruling party, July 18, 2008, when the KMT was in power again, the legislature made an amendment to decouple the Agricultural Insurance from National Pension Insurance. National Pension Insurance policy amended before it launched, thus it’s hard to put an end to the Agricultural Insurance. Moreover, it led to the scourge that elderly farmers’ welfare allowance increased whenever there was an election. Originally, an estimated 5.5 million objects were suddenly reduced 800,000 people, and it is inconsistent with the spirits of social insurance which goes "law of large numbers" and "risk-sharing". What’s more, it cannot achieve the principles of "income redistribution" and "self-sufficiency". National Pension Insurance aims at helping economically disadvantaged persons, so the financial crisis is obvious and the predicament on sustainable management of National Pension Insurance exacerbated. In order to study the key factors why the Agricultural Insurance decoupled from National Pension Insurance, the research methods including literature analysis, content analysis and in-depth interview were adopted, using John W. Kingdon’s analytical framework of multiple streams model, trying to investigate the policy-making process of decoupling the Agricultural Insurance from National Pension Insurance. The present study concluded the findings as follows: 1.The key factor why the Agricultural Insurance decoupled from National Pension Insurance is election. 2.The developments of the alternative schemes can’t be sharply divided into the DPP or the KMT. 3.The policy entrepreneurs who decoupled Agricultural Insurance from National Pension Insurance can’t be easily defined, but most of them are from the KMT. 4.The policy window which decoupled Agricultural Insurance from National Pension Insurance is political stream. 5.The problem stream, political stream, and policy stream are not completely independent or unrelated.


方凱弘、梁綰琪,2009,〈政策為何變遷?以桃園縣開徵地方稅為例〉,《臺灣民主季刊》第六卷,第三期 (2009年9月):125-67。
