  • 學位論文


A comparative study on gender difference concerning the perceptions on sex roles among Taiwanese military officials

指導教授 : 侯崇文


論文題目:兩性軍官性別角色看法之比較研究 論文頁數:113頁 所 組 別:犯罪學研究所 (學號:79887923) 研 究 生:侯義雄 指導教授:侯崇文 論文提要內容: 本研究目的在於探討兩性軍官對異性軍人性別角色的看法及異同之分析、比較,期使國軍在落實兩性平權的政策下,有效平衡兩性軍職人員的角色扮演,以減少工作衝突,建構和諧互助的兩性關係。研究資料來自12位現役校級軍官深度訪談,讓受訪者回顧自己的親身經歷,並就性別角色、兩性關係、生涯發展及性騷擾等面向進行比較,所得異同計有:家庭與工作認知的不同、性別觀點的差異、為女性設限,前途不明確的原因、女性生存之道的障礙、犯錯處分標準不一及男女工作壓力來源等。研究結果亦發現:(1)人際關係仍影響升遷:雖然這是一般社會衆所皆知的事實,但在軍旅生涯中影響甚鉅,尤其是女性,不易突破玻璃天花板效應,晉升到更高階級。(2)性別角色限制晉升:候選將官名冊不乏女性人員,但由於決策者受性別或其他因素影響,未能圈選女性,提供職務歷練的機會,造成升遷不公。(3)性騷擾事件遺憾終身:案發後,遭單位辦理汰除,不僅影響仕途發展、月退俸,甚至喪失工作權。本研究最後針對上述發現,在政策的制定與實務發展上各提出多項具體可行的建議及未來研究作參考。


Abstract A comparative study on gender difference concerning the perceptions on sex roles among Taiwanese military officials By Hou,Yi-Hsiung July 2011 ADVISOR: Dr. HOU,CHUNG-WEN DEPARTMENT: GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CRIMINOLOGY MAJOR: CRIMINOLOGY DEGREE: MASTER OF ARTS The purpose of this research is to explore the gender difference on sex roles issues among Taiwanese military officials. We expect the research would benefit the gender equality policy in the military and would therefore reduce job conflicts and enhance a much better gender relationship in military. Data are from 12 high ranking military officials. We conducted in depth interviews and the respondents were asked to review their personal experience on sex role relationships, career developments and experience on possible sexual harassments. The research found differences on family and occupational perceptions, sexual roles, and uncertainty of their discipline violations. The research also found that the human relationships still play crucial factors concerning the possibility of promotions. Moreover, there is an unfair practice on the military promotion particular on the rank of the military generals. Thirdly, the research found that sexual harassment among military officers could exercise an important influence on one’s career developments along with other benefits as a military officer. The research also suggests a couple of possible policies based on the findings here for the military so that better relationships between male and female officers could be reached.


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