  • 學位論文


Research on Applying GPS Signals to Analyze the Precipitable Water Vapor over Taiwan

指導教授 : 詹士樑 葉大綱


臺灣終年氣候受海洋影響,年雨量多,但受到地形以及季節變換的影響,南北的降雨的時間以及空間呈現極大差異。近年來,受全球暖化影響,南、北極的融冰加速融化,同時造成全球海平面上升。受全球暖化的影響,臺灣冬、春季發生乾旱的情形越趨頻繁,且降雨量也越趨於集中夏季,產生致災型天氣的機率也大幅提高。透過GPS訊號估計大氣可降水量,其在天氣預測上的有效運用,已受到各國氣象單位所重視。   本研究分成兩個部分進行探討,第一個部分是運用2006年至2014年PWV資料以及降雨資料做長時間的調和分析,將臺灣分成北、西、南、東與山區共五區,探討臺灣各地區PWV與實際降雨量的特性,進一步瞭解此段時間PWV與實際降雨之變化趨勢。第二個部分則是以2008年侵襲的卡玫基颱風作為案例分析,利用地理資訊系統,將颱風警報期間的PWV資料以及降雨資料以空間內插產製水氣分布圖與降雨分布圖作空間分析,以期了解颱風來臨期間各地的PWV與雨量的空間分布與變化情形。   研究成果發現,在2006年至2014年間長時間PWV的調和分析的部分,全臺灣各區的PWV每年呈現上升6.51 mm至8.01 mm不等的趨勢,山區的乾溼季水氣差異小,西、南區的乾溼季水氣差異大,但整體的PWV變化趨勢是一致的,並未受到地形影響而有重大的變化;而較大差異值的出現,很可能代表著降水不足造成乾旱或是降水過多發生洪災。而長時間的雨量調和分析結果顯示,除北部地區降雨量每年微幅上升0.03 mm,其餘四區降雨量每年下降了2.92 mm至7.55 mm,此結果顯示,在全球暖化的影響下,面對逐漸乾旱必須及早擬定相關策略做應變;與PWV整體變化趨勢不同的是,由於地形阻隔,乾溼分明,西部、南部、山區所計算出來的水氣波峰與雨量波峰較吻合,因此北部與東部地區的每年最大降雨值出現的時間可能會較每年最大PWV值出現的時間晚一個月;本研究發現降雨的差異值較大的時間點多出現在颱風季,顯見颱風所帶來的降雨是相當重要的水資源。   卡玫基颱風之案例分析部分,研究結果顯示,在PWV上升時,有很高的機率會發生降雨;其次,發生小區域、強度較小的降雨時,在降雨區域的上空,無法觀察到與水氣值較高的區域之間的關聯性,但在發生強降雨時,可以觀察到PWV與雨量分布的區域較為吻合;在降雨地區在發生降雨事件前2、3小時,降雨地區的上空的水氣雖然開始變多,但大氣變動的狀況過於迅速,發生降雨時的水氣聚集的趨勢不明顯;最後,本研究發現地形因素影響PWV的差異極大,迎風側的PWV值高達75 mm甚至80 mm以上,但在背風側地區的PWV僅有55 mm至65 mm,顯見在臺灣地區,地形因素影響天氣變化甚鉅。


The climate of Taiwan is affected by ocean all the year, and the rainfall of Taiwan is abundant. However, the time and space of rainfall shows great difference due to the influence of terrain and changing season. For the past few years, affected by global warming, the icebergs and glaicers melted quickly and cause global sea level rising. With the impact of the global warming, the frequency of drought is getting higher and higher in winter and spring, the dry seasons of Taiwan, and the rainfall is tending to concentrate on summer, the rainy season of Taiwan. By analyzing the zenithal wet delay (ZWD) of GPS signals, the meteorological forecasters and researchers are able to derive atmospheric precipitable water vapor (PWV) of the troposphere, put emphasis on PWV, and apply the PWV data to conduct the weather nowcasting, and follow-up climate changing research. The study discusses the characteristics of PWV with two parts in the study. The first part, the study divides Taiwan into north, west, south, east, and mountainous region, total five parts, apply PWV data and precipitation data between 2006 to 2014 to conduct long-duration harmonic analysis, discuss characteristics of PWV and precipitation of each region, and we are able to understand the varying trend of the period. The second part, the study takes Kamaegi typhoon, which hit Taiwan in 2008, as a case study, and applies GIS to make PWV distribution maps and precipitation distribution maps within typhoon warning period for spatial analysis, so that we are able to understand distribution and varying situation of PWV and precipitation as Kalmaegi typhoon hit Taiwan. The results show that PWV of all regions of Taiwan increased from 6.51 mm to 8.51 mm during the period of 2006-2014. However, in terms of precipitation, except that the rainfall increased 0.03 mm slightly in north region, the rainfall of other 4 regions dropped from 2.92 mm to 7.55 mm. The result reflected the fact that the drought is getting more and more prevalent in Taiwan, and the concerned departments should formulate strategies for response. Unlike the PWV varying trends, the peaks of PWV data are consistent with the peaks of precipitation data in west, south, and mountainous region. So, the maximum precipitation of each year is about to be later than the maximum PWV of each year about one month. As the part of case study of Kalmaegi typhoon, the study found that it’s much easier to rain while PWV is rising; secondly, the relation between the raining area and the high PWV area can’t be observed while the raining area is much smaller and the rainfall intensity is much smaller as well. But while the heavy rainfall events occur, the relation between the raining areas and the high PWV areas can be observed that the high PWV areas are consistent with the high precipitation areas. Before the raining events about 2 to 3 hours, the atmosphere situation is varying rapidly, so the trend of PWV gathering is not clearly. In the last, the study found that the terrain affects PWV greatly. The PWV of windward side is up to 75 mm, even above 80 mm, but the PWV of leeward side is only 55 mm to 65 mm. It’s obvious that terrain affects weather changes greatly.


Kalmaegi typhoon GIS Harmonic analysis PWV GPS Kriging


陳彥杕、陳國華、楊名,2008,〈應用水氣輻射天頂延遲觀測量於GPS相對定位之研究〉,《地籍測量》,27(3),pp. 23-45。
