  • 學位論文


The Factors Affecting Clinics’ Use Intention of Interoperable Electronic Health Records System

指導教授 : 何政勳 溫信財




With development of the health care, the use of electronic health records along with the promotion from government has become mature. Through the government planning a series of interoperable electronic health records, most medical institutions enter into the phase of interoperable electronic health records, and promote interoperable electronic health records system, to assist the exchange of electronic health records. In this study, explore the use of interoperable electronic health records system under the madical environments by use interoperable electronic health records system. First review the literature to develop the research framework of this study, using technology acceptance model to be the center of research framework, and explore technology acceptance model of external factors, according to the situation of study and the characteristics of interoperable electronic health records system, to select influencing external factors. In addition to the interoperable electronic health records system itself, this study also added the influence of external pressure, Government Support and External Pressure to explore. Than began to design questionnaire, not only aggregate questions of the questionnaire from literature, but examined by 5 medical and informational experts, and adjust questionnaire more rigorous by the organization of seminars. Finally, all regions of the clinic physicians be the tested objects, and distributed through the paper questionnaires. After distributed 1343 questionnaires, collected 1066 valid questionnaires. At last investigate the relationship between the various facets and discussed each hypothesis by the results of data analysis.


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