  • 學位論文


A Study Open Innovation Business Model: The Case of Textile Industry

指導教授 : 邱光輝


現今全球化環境變化下,「紅色供應鏈」崛起,台灣企業面臨的是經營模式內部與外部的改變,創新、資金、人才在全球快速的流動著,各企業的營運成本不斷的增加。企業於成長擴張時,通常都需透過創新才能跳躍式的成長與獲利。但企業進行內部創新研發不但耗時,且研發成本高、研發成果的不確定性風險高。近年來紡織業產品生命周期不斷的縮短,快速流行時尚已經成為紡織業的代名詞。當下流行的產品若此時才投入研發已經無法快速反應市場流行時尚與客戶需求。但一直被視為夕陽產業的紡織業,因為一塊機能布料 (具備防水、排汗、透氣與科技共同結合的智慧衣),開創了新商機。企業該投入研發時間與成本於封閉的內部研發?還是採開放式的尋求外界合作呢? 學術界提出創新商業模式,企業亦尋求外部與內部創新商業模式來加速企業成長動能,透過外部開放式創新尋求志同道合之合作夥伴,借力使力讓雙方藉由互補性達成獲利雙贏。但在尋求外部開放式創新勢必會面臨到許多問題與挑戰。企業要藉由外部創新達到獲利,同時又要讓外部創新對企業內部帶來的衝擊降低,合作夥伴之間的合作協同是關鍵。企業內部與合作夥伴能有充分的溝通攜手共同創造獲利是一大挑戰。隨著今日科技的進步,人們對休閒與運動也越來越重視,因此休閒與運動的服飾是未來一大主力,藉由透過機能性的布料研發滿足客戶。本研究主要探討企業上下游垂直供應鏈的模式下利用外部資源創新尋求外部合作夥伴,強化企業的競爭優勢並創造合作雙方雙贏模式。




Due to the globalization trend and the rise of the “Red Supply Chain”, Taiwan enterprises are facing numerous new challenges. These challenges include the need for innovations, require large operational capital, new talents needed for the industry and cost control etc. In particular, innovation plays an important role for a successful business growth in terms of actual sales growth and a leap on the profit margin. However, innovations created within the enterprise are always uncertain, time consuming and costly. Textile products under current “Fast Fashion” trend are even more relying on the innovation, the life cycle for textile product is getting shorter, speedy response to the market are always anticipated. The newly innovated product like “functional fabric” creates a new market opportunity for the declining industry. To better support and allocate all resources available for the innovation, it might be necessary for an enterprise to consider an open attitude to seek possible external cooperation instead of a limited, confined internal Research and Development process. Plenty innovations are proposed by the academics, at the same time enterprises are seeking all creative innovation possibilities either internally or externally to boost their own growth. It could serve as a mutual benefit for both sides to cooperate with each other and a complementary relationship can be build. While working together with outside partners it is likely to generate new problems and challenges, especially the impact on the existing organization and how to jointly work together. With the modern advance technology and people’s focus on leisure activities. Sportswear made by functional fabric becomes a mainstream, how to enlarge the functions of a fabric is the challenge for the innovator. This study focused on a model of vertical supply chain which utilized the external resources and adopted the open innovation from partners to enhance the business competitive advantages and had a win-win situation accomplished.


Open Innovation


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