  • 學位論文


The Study of Integrating Industrial’s Early Action Performance into Allowance Allocation Rule

指導教授 : 李堅明


排放權核配涉及廠商發展權益,是排放交易制度中,最重要與最 敏感的課題之一,本研究修正Böhringer and Lange (2005)與 Rosendah (2007)排放權核配模型,納入先期減量績效獎勵機制,亦 即將核配因子內生化(endogenous),獲得兼具效率(成本有效性)與公評的排放權核配原則與公式,具有制度設計的優越性。本研究再依據該核配原則與公式,模擬四種效能標準,試行台灣六大能源密集產業排放配額核配。獲得本研究主要結論如下: (1)納入先期減量獎勵於排放權核配機制中,可以有效激勵廠商的防 制行為,且防制誘因彈性愈高(絕對值),防制效果愈高。 (2)獎勵先期減量行動是促進成本有效性的必要條件(充分條件詳見本文)。 (3)透過比較靜態分析發現,排放權核配納入先期獎勵誘因機制下, 防制誘因彈性足夠大(絕對值越大),降低未來排放權的期望價值, 抑或提高廠商防制的淨邊際效益,促進廠商增加防制與減少排放 之誘因,達到激勵廠商即早減量的效果。 (4)比較各種核配方案可知,方案一的核配最高,約可獲得30,185,262噸排放權量,約占基線排放量的85%,衝擊最小;方案四的核配最低,約可獲得28,198,309 噸排放權量,約占基線排放量的79%,衝擊最大。


Allowance allocation is one of the most important and sensitive issues in emission trading scheme. In order to increase efficiency and equity of allowance allocation method, this research modifies updating allocation rule which were created by Böhringer and Lange (2005), and Rosendah (2007). This study sets up an endogenous updating allocation rule, which has an advantage that can encourage a firm’s early action activities. Furthermore, this study use the above allocation method to estimate how many allowances will be allocated to energy intensive industries. The main results are obtained as follows: (1)The endogenous allocation rule indeed can increase incentive of early action, and a higher elasticity of abatement incentive can encourage more abatement activities.(2)The endogenous allocation rule is the necessary condition to achieve cost effectiveness. (3)If the elasticity of abatement incentive is high enough, this can stimulate the implementation of early abatement action fast. (4)There are four allocation scenarios to this research. Scenario 1 has the most allowances, therefore, having the lowest impact to industries.


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