  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship among Individual Background, Quality of Work Life and Turnover Intention of Teachers in Junior High School

指導教授 : 黃怡婷


由於教師的高流動率會影響學生的學習及學校的氣氛,且如果未能及時填補空缺,會造成現任教師的負擔,因此本研究目的是希望了解哪些教師個人背景及工作生活品質因素會影響離職意願,並提供國民中學適當的建議,以降低過高的教師流動率。 本文研究資料出自於臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS),以第一波公共使用版教師資料為研究樣本。本研究以「如果重新選擇,是否還會選擇這所學校」為反應變數,分為:「會」、「不會」、「很難講」,先利用多項邏輯斯迴歸模型篩選重要因子,接著將反應變數為「很難講」者,視為遺失值,以多重差補法進行五組差補,差補為「會」或「不會」,再利用多項邏輯斯迴歸模型所篩選的重要因子,建構二元邏輯斯迴歸模型。 研究發現影響教師是否會留在原校的重要因子有7個:「公私立學校」、「到這所學校任教原因」、「學校是否採納老師建議」、「學校給老師升學的壓力」、「學生問題」、「校園氛圍問題」、「貴校是否鼓勵教師進修」。當教師任教在公立國中,任教原因為喜歡這所學校,任教在經常有時採納老師建議之學校、升學壓力小的學校、會鼓勵教師進修的學校,或教師在學生問題或校園氛圍問題上的困擾愈少,其會選擇留在原校意願較高。 根據本研究歸納之結論提出建議,提供學校教育機關作為參考,可建立良好的行政運作,暢通溝通管道,多尊重採納教師所提出的建議,勿給老師過多的升學壓力,輔導並協助教師解決困擾,鼓勵教師專業成長。


The purpose of this thesis is to investigate potential factors that influence junior high school teachers’ turnover intention in terms of individual background and quality of work environment. The result can provides appropriate policies for junior high school to reduce high turnover rates. The study uses data from the junior high school teacher population in Taiwan collected by the Taiwan Educational Panel Survey. The response variable is “If the teachers of junior high school rechoose, are they willing to work in the original school?”, which includes three categories. The multiple imputation was implemented to impute the unknown category in the response variable. Chi-square statistics and T tests are used to assess the bivariate association between potential factors and the response variable. The logistic regression is used to identify the important factors associated with the willingness of working in the original school. seven significant factors are found to be significantly associated with the willingness in staying in the current school. These seven significant factors are the type of the school, reasons for working at current schools, whether the school officials accept teachers’ suggestions, whether school officials give pressure about entrance examination, the problems of students, the work atmosphere, whether school officials offer or encourage teachers to participate in further educations. This research finds if junior high school officials can provide a good pathway for teachers to communicate with school officials, adopt suggestions that teachers give, help teachers solving problems, encourage teachers to take further educations and don’t give teachers extravagant pressure for the entrance examination. Teachers will be more willing to stay at the current school.


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