  • 學位論文


Efficicncy Evaluation on air Pollution Control Fee of VOCs for printing Industry

指導教授 : 張四立


空氣為生態系統運行之要素之一,且影響國民之健康至巨。台灣地區隨著經濟發展與人口增加,使空氣環境之負荷日重,因此,空氣品質管制向為環保署重要之環保施政之一。我國之空氣污染防制策略早期均採取行政管制措施,如各種固定及移動源污染排放標準、污染行為管制等。但隨著經濟的持續發展與污染源的增加,僅依賴單獨的行政管制措施,已不足以抑制空氣品質之惡化,或因應國民對空氣品質提升之期望。因此在既有管制基礎上導入更具彈性且積極之經濟誘因管制措施,如徵收空氣污染防制費及總量管制等,已成為進階的空氣污染防制策略。在眾多空氣污染物中,揮發性有機物(VOCs) 除了會藉由光化學反應產生臭氧問題外,亦對於人體健康造成潛在之危害,因此成為空污費徵之標的污染物之一。本研究乃由VOCs空污費的徵收政策與實績表現,針對期中印刷業的VOCs減量效果進行經濟效益分析,期望研究成果能提供政府環保政策及業者因應策略之參考。


Air, one of the key elements of the ecosystems, is crucial to human health. The air quality has deteriorated due to the rapid economic development and population growth in Taiwan. Thus, the air quality control has become one of the major environmental policies of Environmental Protection Administrator (EPA). The air pollution control strategy in the early stage was focused on administrative control measures, such as the setup of emission standards for a variety of fixed and mobile sources of air pollution and the control on pollution behavior. However, following the continuous economic development which accompanied with the increasing of air pollution sources, the administrative control measures alone are not sufficient to inhibit the deterioration of air quality or to meet the expectations of air quality improvement from the general public. Therefore, it has become an advanced air pollution control strategy to introduce on the basis of the existing control measures some more flexible and proactive control measures with economic incentives, such as the levy of air pollution fees and setting total emission cap on air pollutants, etc. Among the many air pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are known to cause not only ozone problems through photochemical reactions but also potential hazard to human health. Thus, VOCs has become one of the main pollutants to be levied air pollution fee. This research focus on the study of the policy and effectiveness of levying air pollution fee on VOCs emitted by the printing industry. The results of the cost-effectiveness analysis on VOCs mitigation will provide valuable information to the environmental authority as well as the printing industry on formulating the related policies and strategies.




18. 中鼎工程有限公司,1998,「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」。
1. 行政院環境保護署,空氣品質改善維護資訊網
2. 行政院環境保護署,空氣品質監測網
3. 行政院環境保護署,環保專案查詢系統
4. 行政院環境保護署,環保法規
