  • 學位論文


The Impact of Social Cohesion on Happiness - an Empirical Study for Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊子菡


由於幸福感已成為近幾年來的熱門議題,許多國際組織如經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)、歐洲聯盟(EU)及英國、丹麥、不丹都陸續把幸福感做為國家經濟及福利指標之一,台灣在這波潮流下也於2013年公佈台灣的國民幸福感指數。然而影響幸福感的因素很多,尤其台灣的社會運動和社團參與自1987年解除戒嚴後就快速蓬勃發展,因此我們想探討台灣社會凝聚力對幸福感的影響。我們將社會凝聚力分成三個面向分別是社會關係、正面情感連結及關注公共事務,並以八個社會凝聚力變數(公平感、認同感、政治影響力、信任感、社會互助感-公共事務、社會互助感-鄰居事務、公民影響力及社會影響力)來看對幸福感的影響。   本研究使用台灣社會變遷調查資料,研究期間從西元1995年至西元2010年,並且利用Ordered Probit Model來進行個別年度以及合併年度的資料分析,實證結果顯示,社會凝聚力變數如公平感、政治影響力、信任感、社會互助感及社會影響力對幸福感的影響都是正向顯著的。未來政府可以透過這些社會凝聚力變數制訂政策方針來提升人民之幸福感。


Happiness has become one of the most popular international issues in recent years. Many international organizations and countries such as Organization for Economic Corporation and Development, the European Union, Bhutan, Denmark, and United Kingdom include the happiness index into the macroeconomic index as a supplement. There are many factors affecting happiness especially some social elements, such as civil participation and social movements which have occurred more often after the removal of the Martial Law in 1987. In this study we explore the impacts of social cohesion on happiness by dividing social cohesion into three aspects, i.e., social relations, social connectedness and orientation towards the common good. By controlling the demographic factors, we use eight social cohesion variables: sense of fairness, self-identity, political influence, trust, sense of mutual assistance in public affairs, sense of mutual assistance in helping neighbors, civil influence and social influence, to analyze the impacts of social cohesion on happiness. By using the Taiwan Social Change Survey data in the years of 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010, we find that social cohesion indices such as sense of fairness, self-identity, political influence, trust, sense of mutual assistance and social influence have positive and significant effects on happiness. These empirical results can provide important information for government to design public policy in order to increase the happiness of Taiwanese people.


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Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press and Richard D. Irwin
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