  • 學位論文


The Media, Political Party Orientation, and Attitudes toward the Police

指導教授 : 周愫嫻
共同指導教授 : 孫懿賢


民眾對於警察滿意的態度為何,是警政單位與政府的重要指標,民眾對於警察觀感的提升,將有助於相關政策的推行,亦增加民眾對於政府的信任感。影響民眾態度的因素相當多元,而在過去的研究中有兩個重要因素長期被忽略:媒體與政黨。媒體在現代社會中扮演著重要的角色,其是人們生活中主要的訊息來源,因此也和態度的建構有密切的關連性,媒體所傳遞的訊息對於警察滿意度造成什麼樣的影響,在國內的實證研究中缺乏足夠的資料佐證;另一方面,就政治學的研究中顯示,政黨因素也將會影響民眾的觀感,警察為政府組織中的首要機關之一,警察作為也被視為是政治事務之一,在探討民眾態度時,政黨因素也是不容忽視的面向。因此,本研究借鏡於傳播學與政治學的角度,檢視民眾對於警察滿意度的建構,是否受到更多元的因素所影響。 本研究以民眾對於警察的態度為主要的依變項,採用迴歸分析的方法,檢視在控制了過去研究中證實有影響力的變項,包含個人背景變項、接觸警察經驗、被害恐懼以及五個不同縣市地區等因素後,民眾接觸媒體傳播的訊息、使用媒體習慣以及政黨傾向的變項,和民眾對於警察的態度之間是否有所關聯。研究結果顯示:(一)媒體負面訊息的傳播,是造成民眾滿意度不佳的重要因素;(二)政黨政治的對立,造成民眾滿意度的分歧,泛綠民眾對於警察的滿意度普遍的比泛藍民眾較為負面。本研究認為,警察機關一方面必須減少在媒體上的負面訊息,同時,透過媒體提升在民眾心中的正面觀感;另一方面,如何扭轉民眾對於警察既定的印象,也是警察機關未來努力的方向。 媒體傳播以及政黨因素是我國社會的重要現象,根據本研究的結果,提供給警政單位更豐富的意涵,未來在警察滿意度的探討中,除了既有的研究基礎外,可朝向更多元的面向發展。


媒體 政黨傾向 警察滿意度 民意


Public attitudes toward the police are an important indicator for the police and government. Positive evaluations of the police are likely to enhance citizen trust in the government and the execution of public policy. Many factors tend to influence public opinions on the police, but past research has ignored two important variables: the media and political party orientation. The media is the main source of information in contemporary society and thus is linked to the construction of public opinions. There is little empirical evidence in literature regarding the impact of media on public assessments of the Taiwan police. Research conducted by political scientists showed that political factors influence public opinions. The police agency is one of the most important government organizations and often faced the challenge of public trust. From the perspectives of mass communication and political science, this study analyzes whether public attitudes toward the police are affected by the media and the political party orientation. Public attitudes toward the police are the main independent variables used in this study. Using multivariate regression, this study examines the effects of background characteristics, contact with police, fear of crime, locality, media consumption and political orientation on public evaluations of the police. Findings indicate that (1) negative news reported by the media led to lower levels of satisfaction with the police; (2) political party orientation influenced assessments of the police with pan-green citizens showing lower levels of satisfaction with the police than their pan-blue counterparts. Police agencies should attempt to minimize negative news reported by the media. Meanwhile, the police should promote positive images among citizens through the media. How to change public images of the police becomes a crucial task for the police. The media and political party orientation are important phenomena in Taiwan. Findings of this study provide policy implications for the police. Future research should assess the impact of a broader range of predictors on attitudes toward the police.




