  • 學位論文


The Gender Differences of the Division of Housework in Cohabitation

指導教授 : 王雅各


自古以來社會對「男主外,女主內」的性別分工習以為常,一般人都認為家事是女人的事。然而隨著女性教育程度的提高、女性就業的增加帶來勞動市場結構的重大改變,間接提升了女性的地位,但這些變化對於社會既有的成見──家事屬於女性的工作,並沒有帶來顯著的影響,家務分工不平等仍持續存在。近幾年來台灣生育率極低,結婚率的下降、離婚率的攀升、女性意識抬頭,愈來愈多人傾向晚婚或不婚。而婚外生育的比例卻有逐年增加的趨勢,愈來愈多親密關係的伴侶選擇同居的結合模式。 國內外近幾十年來已對家務分工進行研究,過去常用時間可得論(time availability)、性別角色論(gender role ideology)與資源論(resources)。這些既有的理論主要以量化的方式、針對已婚夫妻分析家務分工。這些多樣化的研究因取樣測量方法、資料與變項的不同,導致結果不一致。本研究採用質化深度訪談的方式,訪問在親密關係中同居的伴侶對於家事分工的主觀認知感受與平等的看法,為家務分工的研究增添同居伴侶的型態,帶來不同的樣貌。 我訪問十組同居中的親密關係伴侶後發現以男方參與家務工作居多,發現親密關係之互動模式深深地影響家務分工及公平觀。親密關係之互動模式為男性強勢類型之伴侶,女方參與家事較多。女性強勢類型之伴侶,男方參與家事較多,至於在親密關係互動平等之伴侶,雙方參與家事均等甚至男方參與較多。另外受訪者幼年做家事的習慣以及對環境髒亂的容忍度也會影響家務分工。此外男女對於平等認知有差異者佔多數,且男性通常高估自己對家事的參與,而女性實際參與較少者會認知自己參與家務工作的比例很低。


People in our society get used to the pattern to divide the labor by gender down so many ages. That is men go out and women stay. Most people generally believe that the housework is women’s business. Even though the status of female is indirectly improved to bring significant changes in the structure of labor market with the promotion of women’s educational degree and with the increasing rate of female employment, the changes do not make the significant impact of the division of housework in gender equality for the prejudices, the housework is women’s business, in the society. In recent years, the fertility rate keeps extremely low; the rate of marriage is declining and the rate of divorce is raising in Taiwan. More and more people tend to be married very late or remain unmarried. However the proportion of birth out of wedlock shows an increasing trend year by year. More and more couples with the intimate relationship prefer the living pattern of cohabitation. In recent decades, the domestic and international scholars used three theories, time availability, gender role ideology and resources theory, on the researches in the division of housework. These theories were mainly quantitative analysis on the division of housework for married couples. These diverse researches lead to inconsistent results because of the method of sampling and measurement and of the difference from the data to the variants. Therefore this research used qualitative analysis with in-depth interviews for the cohabitants with the intimate relationship for the subjective cognition and the view for the equality on the division of labor. I interviewed with ten groups of cohabitants with the intimate relationship, and found that mostly to the man involved in housework. The intimately interactive mode deeply affected the division of housework and the concept of fair. The cohabitants that intimately interactive mode for things dominant in male, mostly to the woman involved in housework. On the other hand, the cohabitants that intimately interactive mode for things dominant in female, mostly to the man involved in housework. Furthermore, the cohabitants that intimately interactive mode for things dominated equally, both of them participated in housework equally, even the man involved in more. Moreover, the habits of doing housework when they were child and the tolerance of dirty environment also affect the division of housework. In addition, the men and women have different opinion about equality cognitive in majority, and men usually overestimate their participation in housework, while women are actually involved in the lesser of cognitive low proportion of their participation in housework.




