  • 學位論文


The Persistence of Incomes from Investments in China Accounted for under Equity Method— Evidence from Taiwan Listed Companies.

指導教授 : 李淑華


聯合國貿易和發展組織在2012年進行的世界投資前景調查顯示,由跨國公司評選最受歡迎的投資國家中,中國大陸位列第一,顯示全球企業的投資觸角往中國大陸地區延伸已是世界主要趨勢。該組織出版的2012年世界投資報告顯示,2011年流入東亞和東南亞的外國直接投資(foreign direct investment,以下簡稱FDI)再創歷史新高,其中以中國大陸內地2011年吸引外國FDI再度刷新歷史高點,達到1,240億美元,中國大陸香港吸引的FDI也增至830億美元。觀察經濟部投資審議委員會(以下簡稱,投審會)統計自1991年至2012年赴大陸地區投資的件數及金額表顯示,台灣企業近五年累積投資金額佔該統計期間金額達50%以上,若將該期間投資金額高低按年度排序,前五名均落2007年至2012年之間,顯示近年來對大陸地區的轉投資除了是世界潮流外,也是台灣企業相當重要的投資地區。 由於盈餘持續性代表當期盈餘對未來盈餘之預測能力,因此對於投資人預測公司未來的價值相當重要,當公司揭露不同盈餘組成項目時,具有持續性的盈餘組成項目可以提供評價公司之訊息給使用者參考。相關的文獻發現,除了營業淨利為具有較高的盈餘持續性外,亦發現台灣企業母公司財務報表之損益表中,採用權益法投資之淨收益要素亦為高持續性盈餘要素,因此本論文擬對2001年至2012年台灣的上市櫃公司赴大陸地區採權益法之投資淨損益,其對母公司財務報表之盈餘持續性進行探討;另外並觀察企業赴大陸地區投資的累計金額比重與赴大陸地區累積投資限額,對於赴大陸地區採權益法之投資淨損益盈餘要素之持續性影響有何改變。此外,本論文亦額外測試了台灣企業在大陸地區投資最多的電子產業進行前述之相似分析。最後,亦針對2008年政府放寬赴大陸地區累積投資金額比例上限之前後期間樣本進行前述分析。 本論文實證結果彙總如下: 一、樣本期間的全樣本: 1. 企業轉投資大陸地區採權益法投資之淨損益盈餘要素具有顯著之持續性;而轉投資大陸地區採權益法之投資淨損益要素的持續性與投資非大陸地區採權益法之投資淨損益要素之持續性不存在顯著的差異。 2. 相較於轉投資大陸地區投資比重低組之公司,轉投資大陸地區投資比重高組公司之大陸地區權益法投資淨損益要素之持續性較高。 3. 相較於非接近投資限額公司組,接近投資限額公司組之大陸地區權益法投資淨損益要素之持續性較低。 二、額外測試將樣本區分為電子業與非電子業: 1. 電子業與非電子業轉投資大陸地區採權益法投資之淨損益盈餘要素均具有顯著之持續性;僅電子業投資大陸地區採權益法之投資淨損益要素的持續性,與投資非大陸地區採權益法之投資淨損益要素之持續性存在顯著差異。 2. 僅非電子業次樣本中,相較於轉投資大陸地區投資比重低組之公司,轉投資大陸地區投資比重高組公司之大陸地區權益法投資淨損益要素之持續性較高,測試結果與全樣本的結論相同。 3. 在電子業與非電子業次樣本中,接近限額與非接近限額兩組公司之權益法投資淨損益要素之持續性不存在顯著差異。。 三、額外測試將樣本區分為2007年度(含)以前及2008年度(含)以後: 1. 將樣本區分為2007年度(含)以前及2008年度(含)以後兩類樣本,兩類樣本企業轉投資大陸地區採權益法投資之淨損益盈餘要素具有顯著之持續性;惟僅有2008年(含)以後來自大陸地區採權益法的投資淨損益要素的持續性,與來自非大陸地區採權益法的投資淨損益要素之持續性存在顯著差異。 2. 僅2007年(含)以前的次樣本中,顯示相較於轉投資大陸地區比重低組之公司,轉投資大陸地區投資比重高組公司之大陸地區權益法投資淨損益要素之持續性更高。 3. 僅2007年(含)以前的次樣本中,相較於非接近投資限額公司組,接近投資限額公司組之大陸地區權益法投資淨損益要素之持續性較低。


According to the 2012 World Investment Prospects Survey conducted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, China has emerged as the most attractive investment location for transnational companies not only in Taiwan, but all across the world. Since the future earnings of a company can be predicted by the current earnings (i.e. earnings persistence), the disclosure of different earnings components of the income statement, including incomes from investment in China accounted for under equity method, can provide relevant information to users of financial statements. This study attempts to examine the earnings persistence of incomes from investment in China accounted for under equity method for Taiwan listed companies which have invested in China during the periods from 2001 to 2012. Additionally, it will examine how the accumulated investment and investment ceiling limit of investments in China for companies influence the earnings persistency of the incomes from investment in China accounted for under equity method. This study also includes further analyses for two types of subsample, electronics industry and non-electronics industry, and the periods before and after year 2008 in which the investment ceiling limit for China was relaxed. The empirical results include as following: 1. For the full sample: (1) The earnings persistence of incomes from investment in China accounted for under equity method is significant, and there is no significant difference in earnings persistence of incomes accounted for under equity method between investment in China and that in non-China areas; (2) Companies with higher investment ratio in China have higher earnings persistence in incomes from investment in China accounted for under equity method than companies with lower investments ratio in China. (3) Companies with accumulated investment in China near to the regulated investment ceiling limit have lower earnings persistence in incomes from investment in China accounted for under equity method than companies not near the investment ceiling limit. 2. The subsample of electronics industry and non-electronics industry: (1) Significant earnings persistence of incomes from investments in China under equity method was found in both electronics industry-related companies and non-electronics industry related companies. There is significant difference in earnings persistence of investment incomes accounted for under equity method between investment in China and that in non-China areas just in the subsample of electronics industry. (2) In the subsample of non-electronics industry, it was found that firms with higher investment ratio in China have higher earnings persistence of incomes from investments in China under equity method. (3) There is no significant difference in earnings persistence of incomes from investments in China under equity method between near to the investment ceiling limit and not near to that for two kinds of industry subsample. 3. The subsample of different periods in before 2007 (inclusive) and after 2008 (inclusive): (1) Earnings persistence of incomes from investment in China accounted for under equity method is significant for the two different period subsamples and there is significant difference in earnings persistence of investment incomes accounted for under equity method between investment in China and that in non-China areas just for the period after 2008 (inclusive). (2) In the periods before 2007 (inclusive), it was found that firms with higher investment ratio in China have higher earnings persistence of incomes from investments in China under equity method. (3) In the periods before 2007 (inclusive), Companies with accumulated investment in China near to the regulated investment ceiling limit have lower earnings persistence in incomes from investment in China accounted for under equity method than companies not near the investment ceiling limit.


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