  • 學位論文


The Design and Implementation of Citation Networks Visualization System

指導教授 : 陳宗天


資訊爆炸的時代中,由於大量的資訊隨處可得,為了了解這些龐大的資訊,因而產生了一門新的學科:資訊視覺化。透過資訊視覺化,我們可以藉由圖形化的方式,對於大量的資訊有更簡單、更直覺的體認。   因應此潮流,包含學術界與實務界的許多研究團隊,均致力於視覺化的研究:如多維度資料、網路連結型資料、文字資料等的視覺化。相較於其他資料的視覺化,引文網路的視覺化較少被人討論。從引文網路的視覺化中,除了希望能一窺某知識領域的結構與演進外,也希望能找出該領域的核心文獻,作為日後入門該領域的一個參考。   本研究嘗試開發一套視覺化系統:HelloCite,而該系統所瞄準的資料目標為引文網路。HelloCite除了提供圖形化與互動式的界面外,主要特色有三:(1) 可讀入網路分析軟體Pajek所定義的.net文字檔,進而繪出該檔的視覺化圖像。(2) 有別於以往以文章被參考的次數當作權重值,我們以鏈結分析中的PageRank來計算引文網路中各文章的權重值。(3) 利用各文章之權重值及指定文章引用之層級,作為圖形顯現的過濾條件,讓使用者可以聚焦於自己較有興趣的部份。   透過本系統的使用,除了描繪出某一知識領域文獻間的引用關係外,在人機互動的操作介面下,讓使用者能更有彈性地探索引文網路。最終,我們希望能發展出一個能完整呈現引文網路資訊、並且讓使用者更易於使用的引文網路視覺化系統。


In the age of information overloading, there are voluminous information readily available to us. Researchers develop the information visualization study to facilitate the effective comprehending the huge information. Through information visualization, we can better comprehend large amount of information. Complex relationships of large networks may be grasping more easily and intuitively. In this research, we developed the visualization system, HelloCite. We use prefuse, an open source toolkit, which was implemented using Java programming language. In our system, we focus on visualizing the relationships of papers. We want to utilize this tool to illustrate the literatures’ relationship of a given knowledge domain. With interactive interface, we can offer users a more flexible view of citation networks.   The features of HelloCite include the following: (1) It can read data from a *.net file, which is defined by a popular network analysis tool called Pajek. (2) It integrates a linkage analysis’ evaluation measurement, PageRank, as an importance ranking weight for each node in citation networks. (3) It provides several filters such as weight scaling filter and distance filter to help user navigate in the citation networks.


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