  • 學位論文


Cross-Border Real Estate Direct Investment:An Example of Taiwan’s Insurance Industry

指導教授 : 彭建文


本研究先透過文獻回顧與次級資料的蒐集,了解海外直接不動產投資的相關理論基礎以及台灣壽險業的經營概況,再藉由與相關海外不動產投資的產、官、學專家進行專家訪談,釐清壽險業進行海外直接不動產投資的問題,並利用專家問卷,建立壽險業進行海外直接不動產投資的評估指標。本研究發現,接受訪問之產官學界人士均對台灣壽險業進行海外直接不動產投資表達正面意見,並且在海外直接不動產投資評估的影響因素調查中,政治環境影響因素佔海外直接不動產投資的影響強烈,其權重值高達39.4%,與經濟環境影響因素41.6%接近,至於標的自身影響因素所佔之重要性最低,權重僅為19%。 然而,台灣壽險業目前進軍海外直接不動產投資面臨經理人專業不足、決策機制僵化以及金管會採高度監理之阻礙。本研究建議未來台灣壽險業應提升員工國際不動產市場之視野,並於必要時引進外國不動產領域人才,同時決策層應由董事會下放與專業經理人進行投資決策,而主管機關則可考慮適度鬆綁特定目的不動產公司的持股比例限制以及逐案審查的機制,使壽險公司進行海外直接不動產投資更具彈性及效率。


This research tries to understand related theories of direct investment on real estate abroad and the operation condition of Taiwanese life insurance industry through literature review and secondary data collection. Then, the study conducts interviews with experts of oversea real estate investment to answer questions about direct investment on real estate abroad, and apply the method of expert questionnaire to construct an evaluation standard for life insurance industry’s direct investment on real estate abroad. The result shows that all interviewees express positive opinions towards Taiwanese life insurance industry’s direct investment on oversea real estate. The analysis on the affecting factors indicates that political environment has a strong impact on the investment, which accounts for 39.4% of the weight and runs a close second to the factor of economic environment’s 41.6%. The condition of the real estate itself accounts for only 19%, making it the least important factor. Nonetheless, Taiwanese life insurance industry faces obstacles such as manager’s lack of expertise, inflexible decision-making mechanism, and Financial Supervisory Commission’s strict regulation, when investing on oversea real estate. The research would suggest Taiwanese life insurance companies in the future to improve employees’ ability to act in the international real estate market, to introduce foreign talents, and to delegate the power of making investment decision to professional managers. Meanwhile, the competent authority should loosen the restriction on shareholding ratio for real estate companies of specific purposes and the mechanism of case-by-case examination accordingly so that the life insurance companies could invest with more flexibility and better efficiency.


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