  • 學位論文


A Study of the Securities Market Manipulation in Economic Criminal Law – Focusing on Article 155, Paragraph 1, Sub-paragraph 3 of Securities and Exchange Act

指導教授 : 徐育安


證券市場主要功能之一,在於形成證券之公平價格,投資人可基於充足而正確的資訊,依證券價格之主觀體認,透過證券交易市場之供需關係,並經由市場經濟體制自由運作,以競價方式形成證券之買賣價格。然而,原應透過市場供需法則自然形成的證券價格,若有人透過操縱市場行為,以不實的交易行為,或散布不實的資訊,製造證券供需及價格變動之假象,則將發生誤導投資人,進而扭曲證券交易的價格與數量,破壞自由市場機能,減損市場籌集資本及資源有效配置功能等危害。因此,目前許多國家對於市場操縱行為咸明文禁止,而我國證券交易法承襲美國與日本立法例,在證券交易法第155條對於市場操縱行為同樣明文禁止。 有關我國證券交易法第155條第1項第3款「相對委託」,係市場操縱行為態樣之一,亦為經濟刑法所規範之對象,惟本款於主觀構成要件及客觀構成要件並不明確,有諸多疑義尚待釐清。因此,本文試圖先從市場操縱行為之概念、立法沿革及態樣進行理解,再從學理與實務上探討本款之構成要件及牽涉之相關問題,並輔以美、日立法例進行比較分析,期使本款能合於經濟刑法之規範目的下,俾利實務工作者能正確的認事用法,並作為日後立法或修法上的參考。


One of the main functions of stock market is to achieve fair prices of securities. The investors can be based on adequate and accurate information, and subjective understanding of the prices of securities, and stock market’s supply and demand, and the free operation via a free market economy, in order to forming transaction price by bid. However, the prices of securities should have formed naturally by laws of supply and demand. If anyone manipulated through false transaction, or spread false information, attempted to produce the illusion of supply and demand and changes in securities prices, will occur misleading investors and distorting the price and quantity of securities transactions, and the destruction of the free market function, and impairment of the market to raise stock and effective allocation of resources function and other hazards. Thus, for many countries expressly prohibit market manipulation. Securities and Exchange Act of Taiwan was inherited legislation of the United States and Japan. Article 155, Securities and Exchange Act was also expressly prohibited for market manipulation. "Matched orders" is set by Article 155, Paragraph 1, Sub-paragraph 3 of Securities and Exchange Act, which is kind of the market manipulation, and it is economic criminal law. However, Article 155, Paragraph 1, Sub-paragraph 3 of Securities and Exchange Act of subjective elements and objective elements are not clear, many issues to be clarified. Therefore, this article attempts to start understanding the concept of market manipulation, the legislative history and the types, then to explore issues related to this sub-paragraph and the component element involved from the theoretical and practical, supplemented by legislation of the United States and Japan were compared. It can be conformed to this sub-paragraph purpose of regulation of economic criminal law, and expected to serve justice practitioners can how to apply the laws, and as a reference for future legislation or amending the law on.




