  • 學位論文


Investigation into the marriage experience of female Schizophrenia patients

指導教授 : 劉素芬


本研究目的主要在了解精神分裂症女性患者婚姻維持歷程、婚姻維持信念及使婚姻持續的原因。研究方法以便利取樣及滾雪球方式募集六位婚姻持續中且長達十年以上的患者,進行深度半結構訪談,並以紮根分析法進行編碼分析。 結果發現:(一)在婚姻歷程部份:受訪者會參考親友的婚姻經驗形塑她的婚姻意象,經由內在信念與外在壓力的影響選擇進入婚姻。婚後面臨一般婚姻壓力外,還需承受疾病所帶來的壓力,而產生適應問題。(二)在婚姻維持信念部份:受訪者多持著傳統「順天」、「宿命」、「責任」、「進取」的想法,以一種積極信念與態度面對婚姻。(三)婚姻持續原因在於保護因子及社會支持網絡的協助。保護因子是指婚姻調適方法、婚姻維持信念、婚姻維持因素、婚姻歷程的正向感受。社會支持網絡則包含有正式且實質性支持、正式且非實質性支持、非正式且實質性支持、非正式且非實質性支持。 建議:依據受訪者婚姻歷程與需求,本研究建議在實務上可提供患者婚前兩性教育、婚姻成長團體、照顧技能暨照顧者支持團體、去除社會烙印以減輕婚姻所帶來的壓力。


The aim of this study is to understand the factors involved in maintaining a healthy marriage relationship for female schizophrenia patients. This can be categorised into three sections: marriage experience, marriage maintenance belief, and the influencing factors in the maintenance of the marriage. This study employed convenience sampling and snowball sampling techniques to recruit six female schizophrenia patients that are in an ongoing marriage relationship that's lasted for more than ten years. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews and coded using Grounded theory methodology. This research was able to show 1) In regards to marriage experience, patients will shape their marriage according to the experience of family and friends. Patients usually choose to enter the relationship through self consciousness and societal pressure. The marriage not only needs to withstand the normal pressure, but also the pressure of dealing with the illness and adaptation to the relationship. 2) Most participants expressed their belief on maintaining the relationship as "following the order of nature", "fate", "responsibility" or "hope for a better life". This usually creates a positive belief and attitude towards the marriage. 3) Two main factors were identified in assisting in the maintenance of marriage:protecting mechanisms and social support network. Protecting mechanisms include marriage adaptation, marriage maintenance belief, marriage maintenance factors, and positive marriage experience. Social support network include formal and substantive support, formal and non-substantive support, informal and substantive support, informal and non-substantive support. Base on the results obtained from this investigation, it is recommended to provide patients with gender education prior to marriage, support group for marriage counseling, care skills and caregiver support groups, and removal of societal pressures. In these systems in place, one may hope to elevate the pressure experienced in a marriage relationship.


marriage maintenance schizophrenia


李貞德(1996)。超越父系家族的藩離-台灣地區「中國婦女史研究」(1945-1995)。新史學,7(2) ,139-156。
