  • 學位論文


A Research and Application of Simulation Characteristics in Digital Photography- Take the Creation in the Category of Public Welfare and Personal Graphic Design in Times Advertising Award as Example

指導教授 : 邱國峻


攝影的發明,改變了人類以往觀看世界的方法,隨之科技的進步,攝影由傳統類比形式邁向數位化,多元化的表現型態,造就了當代普遍擬像的視覺趨勢。 本研究之主要目的在於數位攝影中其擬像特質型態與運用之探討,透過相關文獻與案例的探討分析,其研究之重點綱要如下: 第一、數位攝影之擬像特質,帶來了影像訊息功能的擴充,由相關文獻探討,及案例試析,其擬像特質類性大致可分納為:「寓言性」、「轉喻性」、「偽證性」、「體現性」四大類性;其擬像特質於視覺創意上之應用手法,研究者將其表現以六大形式手法區分歸納之,即:「相異物體質能的挪用、變造與融合」、「物理性質的顛覆改變」、「時空場域的錯置交疊」、「反常規的意象視覺合理化」、「肢體解剖概念的重組與拼合」、「虛擬現實的自塑展演」。 第二、由第三章數位擬像類性手法歸納之結論為基礎延伸觀察,以台灣1997-2005時報廣告金像獎獲獎作品為對象,發現隨之攝影數位化趨勢的發展,平面廣告之視覺創意,逐漸由紀實展示朝向經驗之體現邁進,數位擬像的應用操作,強化了廣告訊息語意的傳達,帶動了視覺消費思維趨勢。 第三、研究最終,將以「2007台灣3R海報設計新人獎」、「20084A自由創意獎」、「2008時報廣告金犢獎」作為本研究之創作主體,針對前述台灣廣告金像獎案例觀察,其歸納之擬像應用概況得以強化之處,針對其要點進行測試修正,由第三章節歸納之擬像類性手法為創作參考依據,重新詮釋操作之。


數位攝影 擬像 超真實 平面廣告 新媒體


The invention of photography changes the way to see the world for human beings. With the improvement of technology, photography has developed from traditional analog mode to digital and multiple forms, and achieved contemporary visual trend of simulation. The main purpose of this research is to explore the characteristics and application of simulation in digital photography. Through the analysis of related reference and cases, there are three research points listed below: At first, the simulation characteristic of digital photography is capable of extending image information.The simulation characteristic could be categorized as four types according to related reference and cases: “Parable,”“Metonymy,”“Perjury,”“Embodiment.” Moreover,there are six forms categorized for the application of simulation characteristic on visual creation.“The use, modification, and blend of different object quality and energy,”“The subversive change of physical property,”“The dislocation and overlap of space-time,”“The anti-regular image and visual rationalization,”“The rearrangement and combination of anatomic concept,”“The self-modeling and exhibition of virtual reality”. Secondly,applying the conclusion of digital simulation skill in chapter three as the foundation, and taking awarded works of Times Advertising Award during 1997 to 2005 in Taiwan as the object, the research finds that visual creation of graphic design evolves from realistic display to experiential embodiment.The application of digital simulation strengthens the communication of advertise information,and promotes the trend of visual consume. Thirdly, in the end of the research there will take three awards as the creative subjects, which is“2007 Taiwan 3R Poster Young Designer Awards,”“2008 4A Free Creation Awards,”“2008 Times Advertising Awards.” Observe the awards above to conclude the application of simulation, and aim at some points to make test and modification. The creation takes simulation skill arranged in chapter three as reference to re-operate and re-create.


〔5〕Steven Best & Douglas Kellner著,朱元鴻等 譯, 2005,後現代理論-批判的質疑,巨流,臺北。


