  • 學位論文


The Effects of Early Manufacturing Involvement on New Product Development Performance: Contingency Viewpoints and Empirical Test

指導教授 : 陳嵩


面對全球競爭日趨劇烈、市場需求快速改變以及產品生命週期縮短的情況下,快速開發新穎產品來提昇企業競爭優勢是企業致勝的重要關鍵。由於產品開發過程跨功能間之整合關係著新產品發展的績效,因此繼設計卅行銷整合之後,設計卅製造整合(design-manufacturing integration, DMI)亦成為學術研究關注的焦點。許多學者強調新產品開發過程製造早期參與的重要性,唯實證研究顯示製造早期參與對新產品績效的貢獻相當分歧且相對有限。 本研究以情境理論的觀點探討產品新穎性(技術新穎性、製程新穎性)、製造早期參與、參與能力間的配合對新產品開發績效(新產品可製造性、新產品開發效率)的影響,並以本省資訊硬體產品製造廠商的105個新產品開發專案為實證對象,以參與新產品專案的設計部門主管(或工程師)為問卷調查對象。 節制迴歸分析(MRA)研究結果顯示:(1)產品技術新穎性愈高、製造代表技術分析參與度對新產品開發效率的正向影響愈大;(2)製造代表技術分析的參與度及能力間之配適對新產品可製造性有顯著正向影響。(3)製程新穎性愈高、製造代表設計審查活動參與度及能力間之配適對新產品可製造性的正向影響愈大。(4)新產品可製造性與新產品開發效率呈顯著正向影響。最後,研究者針對實證研究結果提出製造早期參與之製造工程師代表的選派及後續研究的建議。


Facing increasing global competition and fast-changing market needs, quickly develop new product is one of the critical actions by which companies increase their competitive advantage and gain success. Because cross-functional integration in new product development process is more effect on new product performance, after Prior research has focused on marketing-R&D integration, more attention has been given to design-manufacturing integration (DMI). Scholars have emphasized the necessity of early manufacturing involvement (EMI) during new product development (NPD), yet empirical researches showed that the contribution of EMI on new product performance is discriminating and relatively limitable. This study proposes a series of hypotheses regarding how new product manufacturability (NPM) and development efficiency are affected by the interaction of EMI and contingency factors (such as product newness to firms and manufacturing reps’ ability in involving activities). One hundred and five product development projects from information hardware product manufacturers in Taiwan were sampled as empirical subjects. The key informant was the design manager or engineer of new product developed project. The results of moderated regression analysis indicate that (1) the higher the product technology newness, the greater the positive impact of manufacturing rep’s participation in technological assessment on NPD efficiency, (2) NPM is positively affected by the fitting between manufacturing rep’s participation and ability in technology assessment, (3) the higher the process newness, the greater the positive impact of the fitting between manufacturing rep’s participation and ability in design review on NPM efficiency, (4) NPM is positively significant with NPD efficiency. Finally, suggestions for selecting manufacture engineer of EMI and future research are presented.


