  • 學位論文


The Study of Natural Protection Creation when Arts Get Involved in the Living Aesthetics

指導教授 : 林宏銘


自然環境的破壞和資源不斷消耗的問題,已是永遠不會間斷的課題。本研究從生活中觀察探索,透過藝術與設計的角度創作,以極簡樸實的生活意象,期望改造內心,充實心靈生活,返回人與自然原初的和諧進而維護自然環境。 本創作研究共五階段,作品呈現方式有海報設計、互動數位藝術、錄像藝術。第一階段從基礎環保3R綠色設計探討物質資源,作品呈現為海報設計。第二階段探討現今自然環境所遇到的問題,作品為海報設計。第三階段探討自然的重要與運用,作品將自然物轉化分析成數據,運用互動數位藝術方式呈現。第四階段進入心理層面,愛護環境從心裡做起,運用音樂創作有關於聽覺的錄像藝術作品。第五階段以地球暖化為題創作海報設計,透過藝術作品傳遞永續綠色教育,藝術陶冶生活美學永續綠色教育人文素養落實。 最後將生活空間裡融入藝術展覽,從日常生活中的公共空間將城市化為藝廊培養民眾藝術知能,鼓勵其積極參與藝文活動,提升藝術鑑賞能力,陶冶生活美學,透過藝術教育,生活藝術化、藝術生活化,提升國人生活美感與人文素養,達到從生活中關懷保護環境與永續發展,共同創造優質的環境與生活。


The damage of environment and the waste of resources have been an issue for a long time. This research is to observe things in our daily life. Try to create things through the aspect of art and design. We are looking forward to transforming inner side of human beings and fulfilling the spiritual life. Back to the original harmony of people and nature, and protect the environment. This creation work is composed by 5 stages. The ways of displaying are poster design, video art and interactive digital art. The first stage is to create a poster design which discusses the resources from a point of view of the basic green design about 3R. The second stage is to discuss the environmental problems what we have encountered nowadays and also be showed by a poster. The third stage is to discuss the application and the importance of nature. Turn the nature into digital data and create an interactive digital art. The fourth stage is to enter our inner world, try to protect the environment from the bottom of our hearts. Music is applied to create the video arts about the sense of hearing. The last stage is to design a poster about the topic of global warming, and convey the sustainable green education to people through artistic work. Finally, we combine our living space with art exhibition. One of the goals is to cultivate citizen’s art knowledge through exhibitions and transform the public space to a big gallery. On the other hand, it could encourage people to attend artistic activities, it is a good way for citizens to increase the ability of appreciation and cultivate the beauty of life. Aesthetic education is applied to increase people’s life aesthetics and refinement in taste and manners. Art is life, life is art. Moreover, try to achieve a goal which cares about the environment and sustainable development from daily life. Finally we could create a high quality life and environment to live together.


【1】Al Gore著、張瓊懿、欒欣譯,2007,不願面對的真相,臺北市,城邦文化事業股份有限公司。
【11】James D’ Angelo著、別古譯,2009,聲音的治療力量,臺北市,城邦文化事業股份有限公司。
