  • 學位論文


The Best Performance and Efficiency Tests of the Motor Speed Reducers

指導教授 : 吳澤松


馬達減速機是目前廣泛使用的馬達動力系統產品,其機型規格、系統設計匹配、應用操作及維護等,都能影響能源效率,而低效率的機型所增加的耗用電費超過一倍以上,導致使用成本增加及機器使用壽命降低,因此減速機之能源效率測試,將可提供使用者在選購和應用上許多幫助。 本研究是建立乙套制動器法的馬達減速機效率檢測機台,測試馬達減速機之效率,試驗以0.5、1、2、3HP馬達分別搭配減速比1:10、1:20、1:30蝸輪減速機之能源效率檢測,分別量測輸出軸扭力、功率因素、輸入軸功率、輸入轉速、輸出轉速等,進而計算其效率。 評估減速機內部之齒輪模組,必須有磨合時間,故由實驗中增加效率檢測次數(檢測七次)及負載變化,將初次與末次使用減速機之數據分析比對,發現減速機的初次效率並不會呈現最佳效率,需經過三至四次甚至更多次運轉後,其效率才會逐漸提高,其效率與初次測試效率相差甚大,甚至相差至10%,因此可以得知,減速機的磨合期對於效率之影響確實有明顯之差異。


Motor gear is widely used in power systems, the model specification, system design matching, application operation and maintenance, can affect energy efficiency, and low efficiency of the model increases in consumption of electricity more than doubled above, led to the use life of decreased costs and machinery, so the energy efficiency of test gear, will provide users in the purchase and use, a lot of help. This study is to establish a gear motor brake law efficiency testing machine to test the efficiency of the motor reducer, motor respectively test to 0.5,1,2,3 HP with worm gear reduction ratio 1:10,1:20,1:30 reducer of energy efficiency testing, were measured output shaft torque, power factor, input shaft power, input speed, output speed, etc., and then calculate its efficiency. Assessment within the gear reducer modules, must be running-in time, so the efficiency of detection by the increase in the number of experiments (detection of seven) and the load will be used first and last gear comparison of data analysis found that the initial efficiency of gear reducer does not present the best efficiency, and subject to three to four or more times after the operation, its efficiency will gradually improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the initial test very different, even a difference of 10%, so you can learn, reducer The run-in period for the efficiency impact is indeed a significant difference.


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