  • 學位論文


Tobacco & Liquor Distribution Service Quality and Satisfaction:Take Chiayi Office of Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation as an Example

指導教授 : 黃信豪


摘要 鑒於國內開放菸酒市場自由化後,眾多國內外廠商競相搶奪國內菸酒市場,面對市場飽和之競爭及菸酒法令限制日趨嚴格,台灣菸酒公司營運面臨更趨嚴峻之挑戰。為追求企業之成長及永續經營,強化企業競爭力,更應加強通路經營及銷售服務品質。 本研究是以台灣菸酒公司雲嘉地區之客戶為主要調查對象,主要目的在於利用問卷調查的方法,分析其菸酒配送服務顧客滿意度及顧客對服務品質的重視程度,最後並利用重要度績效分析的方法來找出該處營業對於菸酒配送需要改善之服務要素,以作為將來改善之參考。本研究將服務品質的衡量構面分為供貨品質、專業能力、回應能力、便利性及服務禮儀等五項。研究結果發現菸酒配送之服務品質重視度平均值除服務禮儀構面介於「普通」與「重視」之間外,其餘皆介於「重視」與「非常重視」之間;服務品質滿意度平均值除供貨品質與便利性構面介於「滿意」與「非常滿意」之間外,其餘皆介於「普通」與「滿意」之間。重要度績效分析的結果均集中於象限I(優勢保持區)及象限III(次要改善區)內,其中象限III之各要項,表示將來台灣菸酒公司嘉義營業處對於處理客戶間菸酒配送服務過程中,應注意及改善的要項。


Abstract Due to the liberalization of Taiwan’s tobacco and liquor market, competitions in this market have become more and more intense. In order to face the increasing competitions in the domestic environment, Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation has to make efforts in improving its distribution efficiency and service quality. Therefore, this study takes Chiayi office of Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation as an example, using questionnaire approach to investigate its distribution service quality and customer’s satisfaction. In addition, Important-Performance Analysis is applied to identify the key service items for future improvement. The measurement of distribution service quality and satisfaction is divided into five dimensions: ”Delivery quality”, “Professionism”, “Responsiveness”, “Accessibility”, and “Etiquette”. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Customers’ expectation of service quality is between “important” and “very important” except “Etiquette” dimension; 2. Customers’ actual feeling of service quality is between “satisfied” and “very satisfied” in ”Delivery quality” and “Accessibility” dimension; 3. The result of Important-Performance Analysis indicates that most service items are felled in Quadrant I (keep up the good work) and Quadrant III (low priority).


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