  • 學位論文

KP SEPIC 轉換器之分析與研製

Implementation and Analysis of KP SEPIC Converter

指導教授 : 陳政裕


本論文提出一KP SEPIC轉換器之分析與研製,此轉換器基於國立清華大學潘晴財教授為了紀念其父親 潘恭先生(Mr. Kung Pan)百年冥誕所提之,其電路拓樸乃是由傳統型SEPIC轉換器輸出電感作為調節能量概念以及如何讓輸入端及輸出端電流連續觀念推衍而來,相較於傳統型SEPIC轉換器僅多使用一只電感及一只電容。本轉換器創新最大特點具有輸入電感電流連續及於理想時近乎零輸入電壓漣波,改善傳統型轉換器之電感在不同工作模式下跨壓而導致電流變動過大情形,在此利用閉迴路及開迴路系統之實驗證明本研究之穩定性,並加入網路頻譜分析儀繪製波德圖,最後訂定轉換器於連續導通模式時輸入電壓100V,輸出電壓為66V及122V,額定功率180W,並於輸出功率80W時可得最高效率則是90%以上。


This thesis proposes an implementation and analysis of KP SEPIC converter which is originally proposed by professor Ching-Tsai Pan in National Tsing Hua University. And the KP SEPIC converter is named after his father Mr. Kung Pan(K.P.) for memorial. The converter topology is made from the concept of traditional SEPIC converter output inductor for adjusting energy and smoothing the input and output currents. In comparison with element amount of traditional SEPIC converter, the new one is merely with one more inductor and capacitor each. The most feature of this innovation converter is that the inductor input current is continuous and with nearly zero input ripple voltage in ideal. To improve traditional inductor having different voltage in different operation mode and also influence current cause enormous alteration, the thesis proposes open loop and close loop system to increase its stability and with experiment to prove it. From Bode plot made by network spectrum analyzer, we can conclude that in continuous conduction mode is with 100V input voltage, 66V or 122V output voltage, 180W rated power and the 90% about efficiency can be obtained when the load is 80W.


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