  • 學位論文

便利商店滿意度及忠誠度 -以國內自助旅行者於7-11消費為例

On the Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty for Franchised Convenience Stores- the Domestic Backpackers expend in 7-11 as an Example

指導教授 : 梁大慶


自助旅行的基本模式就是要有能力自行解決旅行前後所有的大小事物;從行前的準備、行程路線的設計、交通工具的挑選到旅途中的食宿交通,都得靠自己事先或屆時安排。然而在旅途中對食品、物件、生理及休憩需求服務就相當重要。為提供對自助旅行者在臨時補給、突發狀況、暫時休憩等等之服務,並且賺取該消費者之利益,故以連鎖便利商店為大宗。其中以最大且全國分店最多之7-11統一超商為研究範圍。 近年來便利商店的林立與市場的激烈競爭,消費者與便利商店業者之關係已有重大的改變。便利商店業者需至力維持與顧客之關係,創造良好的品牌形象,讓消費者心中產生價值,重視顧客滿意程度,進而建立顧客忠誠度,已成為便利商店業者最重要之經營策略之一。本文主要目的在探討便利商店滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係。本研究依文獻回顧與相關研究變數之關聯性,進而建立本研究架構,並已有參與過國內自助旅行者進行網路問卷調查。 研究實證發現:個人背景特性為男女比例相當、教育程度普遍是大學以上、個人所得以「15,000元 以下」居多、參與自助旅行其所得高者,反而比例減少,所得低者反而比例高;個人背景特性與便利商店滿意度以性別與個人收入有顯著影響;個人背景特性與便利商店忠誠度以性別與個人收入有顯著影響;便利商店滿意度與便利商店忠誠度有顯著影響。


The basic model is to have the ability to backpacking trips on their own to solve all sizes around things; line from preparation before the itinerary design, selection of transport to travel in the accommodation, transport, or will have to rely on their own prior arrangement. However, on the road for food, objects, physical and recreational needs of service is very important. To provide a temporary supply of backpackers, sudden, temporary rest, and so the service, and earn interest of the consumers, so as to chain of convenience stores for the bulk. Among the largest and the most of the 7-11 stores nationwide President Chain Store for study. In recent years, convenience stores everywhere and fierce competition in the market, the relationship between the consumer and the convenience store industry and those who have been major changes. Convenience store industry need to maintain relationships with customers of the force, to create a good brand image, so that consumers value hearts, attention customer satisfaction, thereby establishing customer loyalty, has become one of the convenience store industry business strategies most important. This paper aims to explore the relationship between satisfaction and convenience store customer loyalty. According to the relevance of this study and literature review of relevant research variables, thereby establishing this research framework, and has been involved in domestic backpackers for network questionnaire. Empirical research found that: personal background characteristics for a considerable proportion of men and women, are generally university education, personal income to "below $ 15,000" mostly involved in backpacking the higher their income, however, reduced the proportion of low-income persons but a high percentage; personal background Features and convenience stores satisfaction with gender and personal income have a significant impact; personal background characteristics and convenience store loyalty to gender and personal income have a significant impact; convenience store satisfaction and convenience store loyalty has significant influence


convenience store satisfaction loyalty buffet travel


Jacoby, J., & Chestnut, R. W. ,1978, Brand Loyalty: Measurement and Management, New York: John Wiley & Sons.


