  • 學位論文


A Research of Service Quality Satisfaction for Footwear Marketing: A Case Study of R Company

指導教授 : 黃信豪


本研究以R行銷公司為例,該公司的鞋類行銷服務是經由服務人員與顧客面對面接觸時所產生,所以服務人員的服務表現將直接影響公司的服務品質與績效。在現今競爭激烈的時代,該公司必須致力於其服務品質的提升以確保市場競爭力。本研究利用PZB服務品質模式來探討其服務品質與顧客滿意度。期望研究之結果能提供給該公司做為提昇服務品質的參考,以提高整體服務品質滿意度。 本研究問卷是以該公司顧客為主,扣除無效問卷後共取得510份有效問卷。研究結果顯示消費滿意度的重要程度介於在「普通」與「滿意」之間,而服務品質重視程度的重要程度介於在「重要」與「非常重要」之間。個別構面平均數值在消費滿意度方面以「保證性」最高;在服務品質的重視程度方面以「回應性」最高。


This survey is done, based on the R marketing company. The service of R marketing company is provided through face to face interaction between R marketing company staffs and customers. Hence, R marketing company staffs’ performance will have direct impact on R marketing company’s service quality and effectiveness. In today’s high competitive environment, it is very important for the R marketing company to improve its service quality in order to remain its competitiveness. Therefore, the objective of this study is to use PZB service quality model in investigating service quality and customer satisfaction, improve the overall quality of service satisfaction. This survey is based on the R marketing company's customer oriented questionnaire, a total of 510 valid questionnaires after deducting invalid questionnaires. The results of this study show the following: Customer’s satisfaction of service quality is between “fair” and “satisfaction”; Customer’s emphasis of service quality is between “important” and “very important”. “Assurance” dimension has the highest mean in customer satisfaction; “Responsiveness” dimension has the highest mean in customer’s emphasis of service quality.


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