  • 學位論文


The effects of self-regulated strategy instruction on college students online science reading

指導教授 : 林珊如


本研究旨在探討簡短的自我調整策略課程是否可促進大學生線上閱讀多媒體科學主題材料時,使用較佳或較多的自我調整策略,並進而提升概念學習成效。研究採用實驗法,以北部某國立大學學生(中上程度學習者) 32人為對象,分為兩個組別。在實驗組線上閱讀「情緒腦」多媒體教材前,先以一節課時間教導自我調整策略課程(包括三十三種自我調整策略,涵蓋計畫類、監控類、策略類、任務類與興趣類),控制組閱讀教材前則未接受教學。以放聲思考法在學習現場真實同步地收錄閱讀策略的資料,將此資料進行自我調整策略編碼分析。同時以情緒腦概念學習成就測驗(包括腦神經名詞、大腦結構圖、大腦情緒功能運作機制)施行前測、後測與延宕測,評估學習者線上科學閱讀的成效。 以卡方檢定比較實驗組使用五大類(三十三種)自我調整策略的次數是否不同於控制組,並以2(教學組別)x 3(施測時間)混合設計變異數分析評估學生的概念記憶與理解學習成效,再以多元迴歸分析確定有無接受自我調整教學、閱讀多媒體材料時使用的自我調整策略次數,是否能預測情緒腦概念學習成效。研究結果如下。 第一,實驗組接受一節課的自我調整策略教學後,在三十三種自我調整策略中顯著高於控制組的自我調整策略包括:「計畫」、「監控歷程」、「作筆記」、「畫圖表」、「記憶術」,但控制組自發使用「整合訊息」及「自我提問」的次數高於實驗組。若將三十三種策略歸類為五大類(計畫、監控、閱讀策略、任務、興趣),則實驗組使用「計畫類」策略的次數顯著較多,顯示其學習目標明確,在時間不多,卻要閱讀訊息量多且複雜、表徵多元(文字、圖畫、串流影音)的材料時,能依據目標先計畫,閱讀與目標相關的素材。控制組則自發執行了較多的細部「閱讀策略」。第二,在「腦神經名詞」概念學習成效,實驗組與控制組在前測、後測與延宕測的表現趨勢有顯著差異。兩組間的「前測分數」是控制組顯著高於實驗組;實驗組的後測或延宕測顯著高於前測。第三,在「大腦結構圖」及「大腦情緒功能運作機制」概念學習成效,兩組間在前測、後測與延宕測的表現趨勢沒有顯著差異。實驗組及控制組的後測分數皆顯著大於該組的前測與延宕測。第四,迴歸分析結果顯示,「興趣類」策略使用越多者,其腦神經名詞延宕測分數越高分,但學習成效與是否接受教學、是否使用計畫類、監控類、策略類、任務類策略無關。 本研究的發現將有助於瞭解簡短一節課的自我調整策略教學對大學生科學閱讀的影響,並提出建議給未來研究者與教學者參考。


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of self-regulated strategy instruction in facilitating college students’ online science reading. Participants (N=32) invited from a national university in Tiawan were randomly assigned to either an experimental condition or a control condition. Students in the experimental group are given a 40-min self-regulated strategy instruction (33 self-regulated strategies; including planning, monitoring, strategy use, task difficulty and demands, and interest). A multimedia environment (a web site) was designed as the material for students to learn emotional brain concepts. While reading the materials, studnets were asked to think-aloud and achievement tests (definitions related to the brain nerves, a diagram regarding brain anatomy, and the emotional brain functions) was distributed to obtain students’ learning performance. Verbal protocol, pretest, posttest, and delay-test data were collected from both groups. The study used 2 (condition: Experimental, Control) x 3 (time: Pretest, Posttest, Delay-test) mixed design to analyze the effects of students’ conceptual learning and understanding. Chi-square tests was used to examine learners’ use of self-regulated strategies across groups and multiple regression analysis was adopted to determine whether self-regulated strategies were related to the acquisition of emotional brain concepts. The results were briefly described in the following. (1) Of 33 self-regulated strategies, the experimental group had significantly higher scores than the control group on 5 strategies: planning, monitoring progress toward goals, taking notes, draw, and mnemonics. (2) Regading conceptual learning outcomes of brain nerves, the control group had significantly higher pretest score than the experimental group. Both the posttest and delay-test scores were significantly higher than pretest in the experimental group. (3) Regarding conceptual learning outcomes of brain anatomy, posttest scores were significantly higher than the scores of the pretest and delay-test both for the experimental group and the control group. (4) Regarding conceptual learning outcomes of emotional brain functions, Posttest scores were significantly higher than the scores of the pretest and delay-test in the experimental group and the control group; also delay-test scores were significantly higher than the socres of pretest. (5) In the delay-test of brain nerves, the frequency of participant use of interest strategy was positive predictive of conceptual learning performance. Suggestions are given for future researchers and educators about how to design effective self-regulated strategy instruction which may in turn foster college students’ learning outcomes of online science reading.


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