  • 學位論文


The mediation effect of achievement goals between low self-control and math performance

指導教授 : 林珊如


研究背景與目的 過去研究大多探討不同學習動機及課室知覺對學生所持成就目標類型的影響。較少研究探討是否自我特質會影響個體所持的成就目標,進而影響學生的學業表現。根據作者的過去經驗及先前的研究顯示,自我控制這項自我特質在學習歷程中扮演重要的角色。學生具有高自我控制能力者學業表現較好。但作者認為自我控制和學業表現的直接關係太過疏遠,應該有中介變項影響兩者間的關係。過去研究顯示,低自我控制可預測成就目標且成就目標可預測學業表現。因此,作者推測成就目標為低自我控制與學業表現關係間的中介變項。自我控制會影響成就目標,透過成就目標進而影響學業表現。此外,過去研究亦發現性別影響個體自我控制能力的高低。因此,作者也探討此中介模型的跨性別恆等性。 研究目的 本研究有四個目的。一、評估低自我控制量表及成就目標問卷是否具有良好的信度及效度。二、檢視低自我控制量表及成就目標問卷是否具有跨性別測量恆等性。三、成就目標是否為低自我控制和學業表現關係間的中介變項,以及此模型是否具有跨性別恆等性。 研究樣本與研究方法 本研究樣本來自全台灣25個縣市,隨機在各縣市抽取學校進行施測。樣本數共1170位高中生,男生668位;女生502位。 本研究資料來自台灣學生身心發展研究。研究進行步驟描述如下,首先,研究採用Elliot與McGregor在2001所編製的成就目標問卷以及Grasmick等人在1993年所編製的自我控制量表,研究者先將這些量表翻譯成中文版。在2006年十月到2007年二月進行預試,根據預試的統計分析結果進行量表題目的修改。接著,在2007年四月舉行施測教師訓練,並在同年五月到七月間進行正式施測。而學生的數學分數則是由老師在期末時提供。 研究結果 研究進行探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析及測量恆等性分析評估低自我控制量表及成就目標問卷的向度及信、效度。結果顯示低我控制量表可分成六個向度;成就目標問卷可分成四個向度,與量表編制者的概念相符。且量表具有良好信度及效度,但不具有跨性別測量恆等性。 研究主要發現,成就目標部分中介低自我控制和數學表現間的關係。具體而言,低自我控制不僅對數學分數有負向的直接效果,亦可透過成就目標進而影響數學表現。低自我控制的學生較傾向持逃避型成就目標,進而導致數學表現較差。而低自我控制的高低與精熟趨向目標無關,但正向預測表現趨向目標,兩種趨向類型的成就目標都對數學表現有正向的影響。研究亦顯示此中介模型不具跨性別恆等性,最大的差別在於男生樣本中,表現逃避目標可中介低自我控制與數學表現間的關係,但女生的樣本中無此中介效果存在。 討論 結果顯示低自我控制的直接效果造成數學表現較差,但若透過學生設定趨向類型的目標,則使數學表現較好。此結果在教學的應用上,教師可多鼓勵學生在學習情境中設定趨向類型的成就目標。而研究亦發現低自我控制量表、成就目標問卷及研究的中介模型都不具跨性別恆等性。因此,研究者在使用此量表必須注意男女的差異對研究結果可能造成的影響,而教師在教學上對男女生應使用不同的教學策略。關於本研究結果的應用與研究限制在文章中有更詳細的陳述與說明。


Background Many studies investigated motivational dispositions and class perceptions of adopting the achievement goals. However, there is seldom studies to investigate whether self-features is a critical antecedent which may affect the adoption of various achievement goals and then in turn affect academic performance. According to my own practical experience and previous research, self-control plays an important role in the learning situation. People with higher self-control lead to better grades and good adjustment. But, I consider that the direct relation between self-control and academic performance is likely to be rather remote. In previous research, low self-control could predict achievement goals, and achievement goals could predict academic performance. Hence, I infer that self-control may affect achievement goals, and then in turn academic performance through achievement goals. Besides, researchers have long found that gender is a significant predictor of self-control. Hence, the author also tests invariance of the multiple mediator models across gender groups. Objective There are three purposes of this study. First, evaluate reliability and validity of low self-control scale and achievement goal questionnaire. Second, examine measurement invariance across genders in low self-control scale and achievement goal questionnaire. Third, investigate whether achievement goal is a mediating variable for the effect of low self-control on academic performance and examine whether the mediator model have model invariance across genders. Sample The sample includes 1170 senior school students from 25 countries in Taiwan, including north, south, midland, eastern, and offshore island. The schools and classes were selected by random in each region. The participants were composed of 668 (57%) boys and 502 (43%) girls. Method The data of this study was from a panel database of Taiwan Student Physical and Mental Development Study. First, the researcher decided the instruments to measure variables. The Achievement Goal Questionnaire (Elliot and McGregor, 2001) and Self Control Scale (Grasmick et al., 1993 ) are used in this study. Both of them were revised from foreign scales, and they were translated into Chinese by researcher. Next, the scales were pretested to evaluate the appropriateness of scales and procedures in October, 2006 to February, 2007. According to suggestion and statistical result, researcher modified the unsuitable items and procedures. Finally, researcher took place a seminar for measuring teacher in April, 2007. The study was conducted in May, 2007 to June, 2007. The students completed all of scales and the teacher provided mathematics grades at the semester end. Results By conducting exploratory, confirmatory analysis, and measurement invariance, the results of measurement evaluation revealed that the low self-control scale is formed by six dimensions as claimed by Grasmick et al. (1993); the achievement goal questionnaire, four dimensions (Elliot & McGregor, 2001).These scales show good reliable, validity (including discriminant and convergent validity), but these two scales do not show measurement invariance across gender groups. The major research findings are listed in below. First, achievement goals partially mediate the relations between low self-control and math performance. Specifically, low self-control is not only found to have significant negative direct effect on math score, but also found to have indirect effects on math score through various achievement goals. Students who are low self-control are more likely to hold avoidance-based goals (mastery-avoidance goals and performance-avoidance goals) and then in turn have more chances to obtain poor math score. Low self-control has null effect on mastery-approach goals and positively predicts performance-approach goals; however, both the approach-based goals could significant predict math scores in a positive manner. Second, achievement goals mediate the relations between low self-control and math score differently across genders. The most obvious difference is that the performance-avoidance goals could effectively mediate the relation between low self-control and math score in boy sample, but they couldn’t mediate the relation in girl sample. Conclusion The result that low self-control directly leads to poor performance in learning math; however, low self-control could lead to higher chances better math score through setting approach-based goals. Teachers could encourage students setting approach-based goals and escaping from avoidance-based goals during the learning process. In addition, the low self-control scale, achievement goal questionnaire, and the mediation models are not invariant across gender groups. Researchers have to use these scales carefully, and teachers have to use different teaching strategies for boys and girls. The article provides more implications and some limitation according to the research.


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