  • 學位論文


A Study of Balance Flow and Balance Capacity by Simulation

指導教授 : 李榮貴


何謂平衡流量之概念?平衡流量是大自然法則下的產物,亦是道的體現,平衡流量即是找出系統之制約點(或稱為瓶頸),讓系統配合此制約點執行運作,因此任何系統只要改善制約點,即能有效提升系統績效,此概念除了運用在產能改善外,亦適用在各種領域。本研究延續Alex. Knight所設計之骰子遊戲之概念並加入混線生產之模式,讓使用者可依據實驗之假設執行模擬測試,文中提供8種模擬情境步驟教學實驗,由平衡產能逐漸導入平衡流量之概念,讓使用者逐步深入了解平衡產能與平衡流量之差異,期望運用此模擬系統,改善限制理論非現地指導解說,無法被輕易瞭解之問題,藉此達到推廣與教育之功效。限制理論主張,在任何一個複雜的系統,皆隱含著簡單化之原則,僅有非常少數或單一個變數限制此系統,改變此制約條件,即可提升整體系統之績效目標。


What is the concept of Balance Flow? Balance Flow is the product under the Law of Nature. It is also the reflection of Dao. The purpose of Balance Flow is to determine the constraints (bottleneck) within the system, and allowing the system to function under these constraints. Improving these constraints within any system is able to increase system performance effectively. This concept not only improves system productivity, but also can apply in many other areas. This research was built on the Dice Game Theory designed by Alex. Knight with some improvements, it allows the users to proceed the stimulation using theoretical setting, in order to study the differences between Balance Capacity and Balance Flow. Via stimulating system, to improve the limited on Constraints Theory, to understand the issues that can’t to be understand easily, in order to fulfill the purpose of promotion and education. In this study, it provides 8 different experiment models of stimulation process. Implementing the concept of Balance Flow into the Balance Capacity, and Multi-type production stimulation model is differing from the Dice Game Theory designed by Alex. Knight, which allow users have greater depth understandings of the concept of Balance Flow. Within all the complex stimulating models, a simplify principal is hidden, only a very few variables or a single variable able to hold the constraint of the system. By changing the variables, will result in the increasing production target of overall system.


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