  • 學位論文


Home Activity Recognition for Multiple Residents based on Historical Interactive Behaviors and Activity Dependency

指導教授 : 曾煜棋




Because of aging population, home care system becomes more and more important. In previous works, they construct many types of sensors in living environment to recognize activities by using the match of sensors and activities. According to activity recognition, we can know the health status of residents to achieve home care. However, in multi-resident environment, previous works cannot know the individual activities, so that it cannot achieve home care correctly. Therefore, in this paper, we try to recognize individual activities in multi-resident environment. We propose several methods to increase recognition accuracy. The keys of our methods are using residents’ interactive behaviors, activity dependency and more information from wearable sensors. Through experimental results of real dataset, it verifies our methods can recognize most individual activities effectively. The recognition accuracy of our methods can reach up to 89%.


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