  • 學位論文


The Contest and Introspection of International News Discourse: Observing the Nation Construction Strategies of the News “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” between Al-Jazeera and CNN with Critical Discourse Analysis.

指導教授 : 郭良文


本研究從消息來源角度出發分別對CNN與半島電視台進行觀察,並以批判性論述分析取徑以及國族的角度進行切入,觀察中東世界代表的半島電視台以及西方世界代表CNN各自是如何建構以巴衝突事件中的以色列與巴勒斯坦國族意象。 本研究首先在文獻的部份歸納出了三種國族建構的模式,分別為:凝固國族、流動國族與交互建構國族模式。以這三種國族建構模式為知識論基礎下,透過量化資料分析以及質化的批判性論述分析的方法論來觀察半島與CNN國族建構過程與特色,並進一步提出比較、批評與反思。並以國外之例,為台灣實務界提出建議與參考。 研究發現,半島電視台與CNN在報導題材取捨上大同小異,在國族建構的模式上也共同呈現出凝固與流動的交互建構形式,但結果所呈現的新聞立場卻截然不同。 進一步結合van Dijk鉅觀、微觀分析以及Roger Fowler語彙結構、傳授動詞、行動模式、語境分析的論述分析工具發現,CNN的新聞論述中,存在著以第三者的姿態,以憐憫巴童的主題,對他者—巴勒斯坦進行極化的國族歧視論述建構。 相對在半島電視台一反傳統新聞學形式,讓記者以親身的觀點以及情緒的策略融入新聞中。因為在半島電視台的眼裡,這些所謂的權威消息來源正是所有的不客觀、不公正的消息來源。 從本研究的結論可以進一步反省,我們似乎需要重新對傳統新聞學的「客觀中立」原則進行反思。中立論述的流動國族想像中,其實更隱藏著負面、扭曲的激進的國族意象。中立論述反產生了更多的空間讓意識形態進入,並進行對他者負面形象極化建構,也是傳統新聞學須引以為戒之處。


This research is followed by the path of critical discourse analysis, and aims to observe how do these TV stations (Al-Jazeera and CNN) construct their nation discourses separately. First of all, this article had induced three modes of nation construction in literature review as below: coagulating mode, itinerant mode, and mutually constructing mode. Moreover in methodological level, quantitative content analysis and qualitive critical discourse analysis had been both used in this thesis to compare with Al-Jazeera and CNN, so that we could find deepth characteristics and differences between them. Furthermore, this thesis could offer some references and suggestions to Taiwanese international news reports. There were two main results. Firstly, there were no differences between these two TV stations on news topics choosing, however, the political stances were totally different. Secondly, this thesis also combined the ways of van Dijk and Roger Fowler’s critical discourse analysis to explain these differences in depth, and we also found polarizing and discriminating nation representation of Palestinians in CNN’s discourse. Comparatively in Al-Jazeera news discourse, they didn’t fully abide by the traditional journalistic principles. Al-Jazeera allowed their correspondents to use their own opinions to describe Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and both used emotional strategy to cohere the nation identity. Finally, this thesis also offered an introspection and distribution to international news department of media and academic communities. Objective news discourse neither offered more reasonable sphere, nor constructed an “objectivity”nation image, which was closed to social reality. Actually, they always used objectivity to deny and polarze“others”as a radical and distorted nation representation.


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