  • 學位論文


Phase Correlation and Binary Threshold Register for Alignment and Correction of Multifunctional Scanning Microscope Images Obtained Using Different Scanning Methods

指導教授 : 劉佳明


本論文描述一個多功能顯微鏡系統,此系統具備奈米移動平臺與振鏡掃描組兩種掃描方式,由於兩種掃描方式會由光路上的調整造成兩幅影像具有平移、旋轉和縮放差異。為了使多功能掃描顯微鏡操作便利,我們研發一個影像配準的技術精確的校正兩幅影像之間的影像差異。 由於相位相關演算法不能估計同時具有平移、旋轉和縮放三種變化的影像差異,首先會使用二值化影像處理使相位相關的演算的精確度提高,將影像相同的特徵點重合且視為新轉軸,再利用相位相關估計,最後我們利用此校正術找到所需的三種參數,並由五組實驗數據證實了此方法能夠精確的解決平移、旋轉和縮放的影像差異。


We construct a multifunctional scanning microscope system. There are two scanning methods: One scans by moving a nanopositioning stage, and another by swaying galvanometer mirrors. Because of the optical path difference of two scanning method, there are differences in translation, rotation, and scaling between two images. In order to make the multifunctional scanning microscope system practically useful, we developed image registration technique to accurately calibrate the images obtained using the two scanning methods. Phase correlation cannot be estimated by images having translation, rotation, and scaling differences at the same time. We first use threshold binary image processing to increase accuracy. Then, we overlap the feature points of two images so that the feature points of the nanopositioning stage image could be viewed as the reference rotational axis. The translation, rotation, and scaling parameters are found by phase correlation. Five sets of experiments are carried out to verify that this method can correctly register the relationship of images that are obtained using different scanning methods.


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