  • 學位論文


Flexible Pavement Inspection Using Direct Current Resistivity Method Assisted Ground Penetrating Radar

指導教授 : 林志棟


透地雷達(Ground penetrating radar)簡稱GPR,於鋪面驗收工程中逐漸取代破壞性之檢測方式,迅速便捷之檢測方式,運用於均勻材料且低導電度之鋪面介質中,提供相當好的檢測成效,因此透地雷達於鋪面工程之應用,已被大多數之國內外之工程單位所採用。 本研究不僅使用透地雷達於鋪面厚度檢測及地下物探測之優良性能來進行鋪面量測工作外,更結合地電阻儀之直流電阻法(Direct Current resistivity method)簡稱DC法,於試驗室中利用標準試體進行瀝青混凝土及底層級配材料之材料電性量測,試驗中以密級配瀝青混凝土瀝青含量、排水性瀝青混凝土孔隙率及底層碎石級配層壓實度建立一套預測模式,並於現地中進行驗證,觀察其適用性。 試驗中所建立之預測模式經由現地驗證後,發現瀝青含量及底層壓實度之部分,由於材料均勻性較佳因此成效顯著,值得進一步研究,若能再對增加更多之材料電性量測,如介電常數、反射係數、衰減率…等,結果應會更加顯著及精確。透地雷達於現地施測之數據資料,藉由濾波、振幅補償等資料處理後更能增加其輸出剖面之地下探測物判別及精準分析。


Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a rapidly and convenient instrument that uses to detect pavement with homogeneous material and low conductivity. It has a great effect and will substitute for destructive inspection in pavement construction. GPR applied to pavement construction has already been adopted by the great majority of foreign and domestic engineers. The present study employed GPR that determines the thickness of the pavement and explore subsurface, and direct current (DC) resistivity method to measure the electrical characteristics of standard test specimens of asphalt concrete and base material in the laboratory. This study built a prediction model according to the test data of asphalt content of dense concrete, porosity of drainage pavements and compaction of base material. Then tested and verified it in the field. Results indicated that because the materials were more homogeneous, the predictive effect of asphalt content of dense concrete and compaction of base material was significant. In addition, using amplitude compensation and filtering to process GPR data could better analyze GPR profiles. Further studies should increase the categories of measurement of the electrical characteristics, such as relative dielectric constant, reflection coefficient, attenuation, and so on. It will make the result more precise and significant.


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