  • 學位論文


A Systematic Approach for Apportioning Concurrent Delay

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉


隨著營建工程規模日益龐大,工程遲延之起因不勝凡舉。當分別可歸責於雙方之遲延事件,於同一時段內發生時,業主會利用此共同遲延規避承包商因工期展延所衍生之費用;承包商亦會以共同遲延為由,規避工程逾期之損害清償,是故分析雙方責任便成為一項困難的議題。而對於共同遲延責任歸屬之判斷,目前國內外尚未有確立且統一之處理方式。常見之遲延分析技術於國外已行之有年,其公平性及合理性已趨於完善,可歸納為三種類型:第一種類型為「簡易加總法」;第二種類型為「雙方立場分析法」;第三種類型為「時間窗格分析法」,此三類型之分析技術雖皆有其優缺點及適用之時機,但皆僅適用於一般性之工程遲延,並未特別考量共同遲延之責任分擔。 本研究首先蒐集國內外相關文獻,針對共同遲延之進階定義:「在同一時間區段內,發生造成完工工期遲延之兩個或多個事件,此諸事件分別可歸責於業主與承包商,且其所影響之作業項目間並無先後次序關係」,進而結合國內法理及排程精神,研擬一適用於共同遲延責任歸屬之系統化分析方法。此方法係以「時間窗格分析法」中之「即時時段分析技術」為基礎,依據共同遲延時段中,先發生遲延時段、重疊時段以及後續發生時段,將時程系統化地切割為多個時間窗格逐步探討。該方法不僅可適用於要徑上與非要徑上之共同遲延事件,更可公平計算各種遲延之種類對工程所造成之影響,且無須逐日繁瑣分析即能以系統化之方式得到正確度高、責任分擔明確量化之結果。最後將以一實際案例計算,說明其套用本系統化方法之結果。


Apportioning responsibilities of concurrent delay to the owner and the contractor is a difficult task, due to the sophisticate nature both in the schedule and in the factors that cause the delay. This research attempts to develop a simplified yet systematic approach that can be used for a fair apportionment of concurrent delay. A concurrent delay is defined herein as when the contractor and the owner have both caused independent critical path delays during the same approximate time period. Incorporating the concepts of windows analysis and critical path method (CPM), the developed approach divides a concurrent delay into three timeframes or windows: (1) the delay period which occurs first; (2) the overlapping delay period; and (3) the remaining delay period after the overlapping. These three “windowing of delay” steps allow for quickly apportioning of delay in each single window, and a fourth step will sum up those apportioned delays to obtain each party’s final responsibilities. For a concurrent delay that is formed by multiple delays, the three “windowing of delay” steps will extend to more steps while the last summation step remains the same. This developed approach is found to be simple and effective at this stage for all kinds of concurrent delays. A real case has been successfully tested in this research.


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【23】Rober A. Rubin, Sammie D. Guy, Alfred C. Maevis, Virginia Fairweather (1983), “Construction Claims Analysis, Presentation, Defense,” Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, INC.


