  • 學位論文


Developing a Maintenance Decision Support Module for Taiwan Bridge Management System – An Example for Directorate General of Highways

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉 嚴崇一


「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」自民國九十年正式上線至今已屆六年,在交通部運輸研究所的大力推動下,該系統已廣為全國各級橋梁管理機關及單位所使用,其資料庫迄今已存有超過兩萬五千餘座橋梁之基本資料、檢測資料及維修資料,如何利用此一龐大的資料庫,提供相關機關及單位在橋梁管理及維修決策上之參考,為目前的相當重要之課題。 本研究以全國最大之橋梁管理機關「交通部公路總局」為研究對象,以了解目前該單位在橋梁維護上之現況、對於橋梁決策支援系統方面的需求,以及對橋梁維修決策之準則。經訪談局本部、工程處以及工務段的橋梁維護管理人員並進行專家問卷後,得知目前「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」在使用上主要之功能,在於基本資料、檢測資料、以及維修資料等之建檔管理與統計分析;但此系統對於橋梁之管理維護上之決策(如橋梁之定期檢測與特別檢測),整座橋梁分級維護之判讀、橋梁維修策略、維修工法之建議,以及由統計資料結果所應採取之維護措施等,並無法提供維護人員有效之維護管理資訊。 因此本研究之目的,為於「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」中建立一橋梁維護管理管理決策支援模組,其功能包含:檢測預算編列、維修工法建議、維修預算編列、維修工作建議與維修經費分配等五項。此決策支援系統可於定期檢測資料輸入後,自動產生維修工法的建議選項;於橋梁維修工法選定完畢後,可自動產生橋梁維修的預算金額;而當工法與經費擬定後,即可向上級機關提報。此外,藉由輸入的基本、檢測資料進行優選排序,可提供上級機關橋梁維修順序的建議;並在輸入執行預算後,即可產生預算分配的建議,以輔助上級機關進行決策。 本研究所建立之橋梁管理決策支援模組,將於完成後提供公路總局各工務段與工程處測試使用,並做必要之修正。本決策支援模組預計未來將擴大其涵蓋範圍,提供予所有「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」之使用單位,以提升「臺灣地區橋梁管理系統」之管理功能。


Taiwan Bridge Management System (TBMS) has been developed and functioned for six years since 2001. TBMS is used by all level of bridge management organizations and contains more than twenty-five thousand records of bridge data, which include basic data, inspection data, and maintenance data. How to utilize the large database to support the organizations making maintenance decisions has become a critical issue for TBMS and bridge managers. This research takes the largest bridge management organization, Directorate General of Highways, as an example to survey their principles and needs in decision making regarding bridge maintenance. The result shows that the main function of TBMS is data collection, but lacks of decision support functionality for bridge managers. The purpose of this research is to build the bridge maintenance support module in TBMS. The module will include five functions: 1) budget for inspecting, 2) suggestion for repair methods, 3) budget for repair, 4) prioritization of repair order, and 5) fund distribution. The module will be tested by users in Directorate General of Highways first and extended to all TBMS users in the future. The result of this research improves the management function in TBMS and provides a powerful decision making tool for bridge managers.


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