  • 學位論文


The Design of Data Warehouse for Highway Maintenance Management

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉 嚴崇一


過去幾年政府致力於E化管理,交通部、運輸研究所及各級公路管理機關,針對公路養護作業所陸續開發、維護之橋梁、鋪面、邊坡、防災及用地等系統,已大幅提升整體養護工作之成效。但因公路養護作業牽涉層面甚廣且繁雜,且目前所開發之系統中,多數僅針對巡查之部分記錄相關資訊,仍無法完整記錄或管理公路養護相關之資訊。因此,為有效管理公路養護作業資訊,實應先探討養護作業所需資料之完整架構,再檢討與擴充現行公路養護作業系統。此外,現行多套系統中常見重複之相同欄位,卻因系統間未能有效整合而無法同步儲存,導致基層養護人員須重複輸入而降低其行政效率。 因此,本研究首先將以「資料倉儲」(Data Warehouse)之概念,針對公路養護作業之內容進行深度訪談,歸納整理公路養護作業之程序及其內容,以設計完整理想之「公路養護資料庫」,作為現行系統間資料整合之基礎。本研究進而分析整合現行各公路養護相關系統與養護業務相關資料,以減少重複輸入並提升資料正確性與一致性,並提出各系統間資料交換範例,以及建議現行養護系統改善之處,以作為未來開發整合性公路養護系統之參考。


公路養護 資料倉儲


The government has been dedicating to electronic managements in the last few years. Organizations, such as the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, have been aiming at the development of maintenance management systems for bridges, pavement, slope, and assets, etc. These systems have helped to improve the efficiency of the entire highway maintenance works. However, since highway maintenance works are usually inter-connected and the fact that most developed systems seemed to only focus on the patrol related information, there is still lack of a complete system that can thoroughly support the highway maintenance works. In addition, some data are identical and duplicated in many existing systems. This leads to further problems such as data inconsistency and waste of resources. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to establish a complete highway maintenance database to resolve the previous problems and form as the foundation for any highway maintenance related system. This research implemented the Data Warehouse concepts to the data preservation of highway maintenance works. According to previous studies, the overall highway maintenance works can roughly be classified into 5 different groups with 20 major tasks. In order to design an ideal data warehouse, this research conducted a series of interviews to study the standard operation procedures as well as critical data for supporting operation and management for each of the 20 maintenance tasks. A data warehouse consisted of 169 tables was designed. This research also studied the corporation of data warehouse with existing highway maintenance systems. An XML data exchange mechanism was also established.


Highway Maintenance Data Warehouse


1.Inmon, W.H. (1996). Building the data warehouse. New York: Wiley Computer Pub.
2.Jiawei Han& Micheline Kamber (2001). Data mining: concepts and techniques. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
3.Kimball Ralph (1998). The data warehouse toolkit: the complete guide to dimensional modeling. New York : John Wiley& Sons.


