  • 學位論文


Development of A Simulation Model for Evaluating the Capacity of a Construction Residual Soil Treatment Plant

指導教授 : 黃榮堯


依各地方政府土石方管理自治條例規定,剩餘土石方資源堆置處理場(以下簡稱土資場)於申設時,必須提送申設計畫書,以供承辦人員核准其收容處理量。然而現行法規制度缺乏對決定核准收容處理量之科學根據,各縣市多僅以土資場設置面積大小及以不影響鄰近道路交通服務等級來審核其收容處理量,且認定標準並不一致,以致常有土資場報怨其核准收容處理量遠低於實際可處理量之情形,或者相同規模土資場之核准收容處理量卻相去甚遠,甚或造成某些處理量有限但獲得較高核准收容處理量土資場有販賣棄土憑證之情形產生。 由於土資場之收容處理能量與其設備機具處理效能、場區作業面積與堆置區域大小、甚或進出土速率等有密切關係,且這些因子間又交互影響,相互為用,因此不易使用數學規劃方式進行分析,本研究即應用電腦模擬方法,嘗試建立土資場收容處理量之評估模式。目前土資場依其處理方式可分為掩埋型、轉運型及加工型三類,其中加工型為現有土資場之大宗,處理模式較為複雜,故本研究將先針對加工型土資場加以建模分析。除將選定三場典型加工型土資場,先針對其設備機具處理效能、場區作業面積與堆置區域大小進行基本模型之建立與驗證分析外,並將進一步擴大模型,納入不同收受土質處理流程以及考慮不影響鄰近道路交通服務之進出土速率等因子的考量,使評估模式能更貼近實務作業情形。 本研究建構之收容處理能量評估模式,將可作為縣市政府核准土資場收容處理量時之參考依據,藉由提高客觀性而減少爭議。此外,土資場業者於申設規劃時亦可利用本評估模式模擬設備需求與場區面積大小,及營運後可能的處理量,以利進行成本效益之可行性分析,確保其投資效益之回收。


According to the self-governing regulation for each local government, the complete development plan for the construction residual soil plant must be provided for the exam and prove of the accept treatment capacity. However, there is no scientific basis for the decision of the treatment capacity; the treatment capacity is decided by the area size of the treatment plant and the transportation services. Since there are no consistent standards for the determination, often the approved treatment capacity is different with the actual treatment capacity for the plant. The close relationship between the treatment capacity, machinery treatment efficiency, operation area, piling area and transporting rate makes these factors to inter-work and they are analyzed by the computer simulation for the development of evaluation model to evaluate the treatment capacity of the construction residual plants. The study develops the analysis model and does the verification analysis for the processing treatment plant. The machinery treatment efficiency, plant operation area and piling area, treatment process for different soil type, transportation service and transportation rate are the main influence factors into making the evaluation model more close to the actual situation. The study develops the evaluation model for the treatment capacity. The evaluation result from the model can be referred to when making the treatment capacity approval for every local government. The model can also be applied to make further cost-benefit analysis and feasibility analysis.


Cyclone Simulation Treatment Plant


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