

由於資訊時代的進步與科技的創新發展,消費性電子電器及資訊產品不斷的推陳出新,使得這些電子產品的生命週期越來越短;再加上新興國家的經濟發展帶動生活水平與消費能力的提升,同時伴隨著全球人口不斷的增加,每年廢棄的電腦及家電產品、手機逐年增加,因而產生了大量的電子廢棄物。根據2010年聯合國環境規劃署在一份標題為「回收再利用,電子廢物轉為可用資源」的報告中指出,全世界每年約製造4,000萬公噸的電子廢棄物,新興國家因缺乏處理技術與設備,環境因而受到嚴重的污染,聯合國環境規劃署執行主任施泰納(Achim Steiner)認為,巴西、墨西哥、印度和中國大陸是受到電子廢棄物影響最嚴重的新興國家。 由於目前台灣製造業嚴重外移且人口僅二仟三佰萬人,因此資源再生處理市場規模小,國內再生處理業者普遍出現設備稼動率低的情況,而在經營策略面大都採取高價搶料或削價競爭的策略,如此不僅墊高了經營成本,也無法成為企業長久的競爭策略及優勢,因此導致綠色環保回收產業在發展上遇到了瓶頸。 本論文是以國內外電子廢棄物的處理、資源回收再生作為探討重點,研究範圍包括了國內外推動電子廢棄物回收處理的政策及成效分析、再生處理技術發展應用、城市採礦循環型經濟未來的發展趨勢。而研究之目的,主要是希望透過本論文所歸結出的結論與建議,以協助台灣再生處理業者能找到有效拓展國內外市場的機會及提升企業回收產值的方法,期望台灣再生處理業者在開創藍海市場的同時也能為解決地球上電子廢棄物的污染問題盡一份心力。


It continues to bring in new electric, electronic, and information related products due to rapid growth of the information industry associated with the creative technology development. The life cycle of these consumable products becomes shorter and shorter as the old ones are replaced by the new. Compounding with the factors of global population growth and the improved living standard and increased purchasing power of the new developed countries, the wastes generated are increasing year by year for the computers, mobile phones, and electric household products. Approximate 40 million tons of electronic waste are annually generated according to a report, entitled "Recycling and Reuse - Converting e-waste to Useful Resources", published by United Nations Environment Programme. Brazil, Mexico, India, and China are adversely impacted by the e-waste to the most severe degree. In Taiwan the market for resources recovery is rather small. As results, the utilization rate of the treatment facility/equipment is generally low among the resources recovery companies. Most companies adopt the strategy of high-price-bidding for acquiring raw material and low-margin competition. This would increases the operation costs and reduces the profit for the companies and obviously it can’t be considered as a long term strategy for a sustainable growth company. Consequently a bottleneck is encountered for the progress of the green environment friendly resource recovery industry. The purposes of this study are to assist Taiwanese resources recovery industry, utilizing the appropriate method and opportunity, to effectively expand its domestic and international markets and to create some value for the company. It is also the hope that, based on the conclusions drawn and suggestion made for this study, a green product market would be expanded and in the mean time the pollution problem associated with the e-waste would be solved. It is the warm wishes of the author.


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