  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 顏上堯


摘 要 一般土木工程人機派遣皆是經驗來派遣,往往是以平均分配較為公平合理性,但熟不知這些編排卻造成更多的成本支出,本研究係依臺北市政府新建工程處福國路延伸工程(第1期)道路橋梁、共同管道及代辦自來水管線工程案件,共同管道箱涵構築協力廠商之機具派遣為研究範圍,利用線性規劃最佳化模式,求出人力、機具進場指派時間,提供決策者調度運籌之參考,以達最小成本為目標;依各參數之敏感度變化趨勢進行敏感度分析,藉此求得工區工作面需要之人力、機具之最少值,達成人力機具充分運用之目的。為驗證本模式合理性與實用性,以福國路延伸段為範例,進行模擬測試;並以最佳化模式所求得之派遣結果與一般人工經驗派遣進行比較,以驗證本研究最佳化模式產生的派遣結果,確實較人工經驗派遣更具效率且成本較低。故本研究可靈活運用於土方開挖與機具派遣檢討等規劃問題,幫助決策者精準規劃。


Abstract In civil engineering, labor and machinery are usually dispatched by experience based on average allocation to maintain fairness. However, this manner of arrangement results in additional costs. Based on the machinery dispatch for the box culvert construction of the Road, Bridge, Common Channel, Tap Water Pipeline Project in the Fuguo Road Extension Project (Phase I) of the New Construction Office of the Taipei City Government, this study obtained the optimal labor and machinery entry time with the lineal planning optimization model for the reference of decision makers to perform logistics dispatch with the least cost. Sensitivity analysis was conducted based on the trend of parameter sensitivity change to obtain the minimum value of labor and machinery demand on the construction site to achieve full use of labor and machinery. To verify the reasonability and practicality of this model, a test was simulated on the Fuguo Road Extension Project. The outcomes were compared to the dispatch based on experience to verify the results of this optimization model. The comparison results showed that this model is more effective and cheaper than dispatch by experience. Therefore, this model can be applied to land excavation and machinery dispatch to help decision makers perform accurate planning.


2. 王隆昌,徐培剛,「台灣地區都市共同管道路網規劃決策模式之研究」,碩士論文,國立台北科技大學土木與防災研究所,2005年
12. 顏上堯,朱致遠,陳冠霖,「土石方調派暨傾卸卡車派遣規劃模式之研究」,運輸學刊,第二十四卷,第三期,353-378頁,2012年09月。
19. 顏上堯,朱煌林,「模板工程設計最佳化」,建築學報,第五十二期,19-35頁,2005年06月。
9. 顏上堯,林瑜禎,王渭仲,「自來水管線維修人員與機具指派最佳化」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第二十五卷,第四期,301-309頁,2013年12月。
11. 顏上堯,范元淵,林漢俊,「軍方清淤水庫作業路面機具指派最佳化之研究」,中國土木水利工程學刊,第二十五卷,第二期,111-122頁,2013年06月。
