

近十年來,中國經濟的快速發展,特別是在沿海省份,造成城市勞動力短缺的現象。中國政府在這些早期的發達地區都實現了市區重建策略,以資本密集型的替代勞動密集型產業。這個結果在一個大規模的企業遷移到內陸和中國西部一些較晚發展的地區, 在珠江三角洲和長江三角洲的工廠都面臨著西部遷移的壓力。電腦組裝公司,尤其是大部分的組裝筆記型電腦廠,都湧向四川和重慶,因為主要的電腦品牌所有者都受到地方政府提供的巨額優惠稅收激勵進而進行遷移。然而,遷移工廠需要龐大的費用支出才能運作,因此,一個合適的區位選擇是非常重要的,可以極大地影響企業的競爭力。 在這項研究中公司ABC公司是筆記型電腦的一個關鍵部件供應商,提供幾乎所有主要的筆記本裝配公司。因此,它面臨著來自客戶的壓力,要求其遷移到四川/重慶地區。本研究為ABC公司提供選址流程,並使用科學方式地選擇最好的地點,選擇最佳的地點遷移可以幫助提高ABC公司的競爭力。 本研究首先提出了ABC公司選擇目的地城市的思考結構,並提出相關的關鍵因素和權重比較候選地。其次,分析由ABC公司的用戶端強烈建議的三個候選地點,基於候選位地點的區域經濟,並考慮到ABC公司的發展戰略和投資規模。其次,分析了候選地區的所有相關因素,包括成本優勢,機智,地理優勢,政治和環境的優勢與可持續發展。最後,所有的評價和加權總相符的結論,做為提案給ABC公司。


Over the past decade, rapid economic development in China, especially in the coastal provinces, has led to urbanization labor shortages. The government in these early developed regions all implemented the strategies of urban redevelopment, by replacing labor intensive industries with capital intensive ones. This results in a massive corporate migration to inland or western China, which are less developed. Factories in the Pearl River delta and the Yangtze River delta are all facing the pressure of west-bound migration. The computer assembly companies, especially those assembling notebook computers, flock to Sichuan and Chungqing, since the major computer brand owners were all lured by the local governments with huge tax incentives to move there. However, the migrating factories are moving at a high expense, thus selection of a suitable location is very important, and can greatly affect its competitiveness. Company ABC in this study is the supplier of a key component for notebook computers, supplying to virtually all the major notebook assembly companies. Hence, it is faced with a mounting pressure from its customers to migrate to the Sichuan/Chongqing region. This study engages a site selection process, to scientifically choose the best site, so that the migration can help improve the competitiveness of ABC. This study first proposed a structure for choosing a destination city for Company ABC, and suggested relevant key factors and weightings for comparing the candidates. Secondly, the three candidate sites strongly proposed by its customers were examined, based on regional economies of the candidate sites, and considering Company ABC’s development strategies and investment scales. Next, it analyzed all factors for the sites, including cost advantages, resourcefulness, geographical advantages, political and environmental advantages and sustainability. Finally, a weighted total of all the evaluations were tallied and arrived at a conclusion, which is proposed to Company ABC.


賈凱傑、蘇隆德、龍道格 (2005),全球運籌國際物流管理,華泰文化事業股份有限公司,

