  • 學位論文


Factors of Employee Potential

指導教授 : 林文政


本研究希冀以研究者不做任何假說設定或使用過去文獻參考,藉由質性研究的紮根理論具有以資料建立理論的目的,進行員工潛能因素探索外,對產業別及職位、工作性質不同,潛能因子比重是否因此不同。 依據紮根理論編碼步驟進行微觀分析、開放編碼、主軸編碼至進行選擇編碼,以次類別出現頻率大於9次(含)以上頻率,設定為代碼支持程度直至理論飽和為止,並將各階段編碼分析相關資料交由2位獨立專家審閱,就選擇編碼分析結果,指導研究者在編碼分析與主題抽取是否恰當、合宜外,並給予研究者在命名、定義上意見,討論確認後由研究者修改完成。 本次研究除提供具紮根於台灣的潛能理論基礎外,研究發現女性高潛能人才必須要有較強的卓越驅動力,以面對生涯角色變化;不同產業別對高潛能人才潛能構面的確具有差異與不同;在不同職位的領導力構面,基層主管與中階主管比重差異較大且隨職位晉升其比重有逐漸攀升趨勢;在職位與工作性質分析發現行政管理類、研發與技術支援類的基層主管與中階主管,領導力構面比重變化較大。本次研究結果與西方潛能研究結果驗證一致。另,人際關係、令人信賴及利益關係人經營力三項潛能因子所組成人際感應力構面,為較西方潛能研究獨具東方特性構面,潛能研究發展,應理解文化影響差異並重視跨文化對潛能的影響。


潛能 潛能因子 潛能構面


This study hopes to explore the factors of employee potentials and whether the gravity of these factors differ with different industries, positions, and nature of work, by not setting up any hypothesis or using past literature reference by the researcher, with the purpose to establish theory through data by qualitative research on grounded theory. Based on grounded theory, the steps of coding conducted microanalysis, open coding, axial coding until selective coding, with frequencies of subcategory occurrences 9 and above, setting the level of code support until theoretical saturation was reached, and related information of coding analysis from each stage were reviewed by 2 independent experts. As with the results of selective coding analysis, it was completed after discussion and confirmation by the researchers, with the guiding researchers random checking whether coding analyses and themes were appropriate or desirable and providing comments on naming and definitions to the researchers. Aside from providing the basis of the Theory on Potential rooted in Taiwan, this study discovered that female potential talents require stronger and better driving force in order to meet the changing roles in her career. Dimensions of potential with high potential talents indeed possess distinctness and difference in different industries. In dimensions of leadership of different positions, the difference in gravity between base level managers and middle level managers is larger, and this gravity has a tendency to increase as the position advances; analysis of positions and nature of work discovered that the changes in gravity among dimensions of leadership between base level managers and middle level managers are much larger in administrative management, research and development, and technical support. The result of this study proved to be consistent with the result of the Western research on potential. In addition, dimensions of interpersonal sensitivity, as composed by three types of factors of potential (interpersonal relationship, trustworthiness, and stakeholder operating capacity) is more of a Western research on potential with dimensions of Eastern characteristics. The development of research on potential should understand the differences in cultural effect and value cross-cultural effects on potential.


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